Thursday, 22 October 2009

This is a must read - By Adam Curtis

If you look beyond the soldiers, and into the distance, what you are really seeing are the ruins of one of the biggest technological projects the United States has ever undertaken. Its aim was to use science to try and change the course of history and produce a modern utopia in Afghanistan.Continue

Pensions: the Next Casualty of Wall Street

By Mark Brenner

Nobody wants to admit it, but the next casualty of the Wall Street meltdown will probably be your golden years. Continue

Dollar Trouble 

By Mike Whitney

The notion that the dollar will crash, has become an article of faith among doomsayers, Libertarians, survivalists, leftists and goldbugs. (I'm as guilty as anyone) But is the theory supported by the facts? Continue

The Dollar: Dive or Survive

Real News

Leo Panitch: Lower dollar will harm developing countries; will offer little help to US workers.Continue

2009 US Economy: 
Largest Transfer of Wealth to Financial/Political Elite in Global History

By Carl Herman

Political “leadership” of the two oligarchy parties spin their economic policy as being for the public benefit. Continue

UK: : 'Never has so much money been owed by so few to so many': With City bonuses set to top £6bn this year, the Governor of the Bank of England echoes Churchill in devastating indictment of the banks

The rumours of the dollar’s death are much exaggerated: The dollar jumped 20 per cent between July 2008 and March of this year. Since then it has lost much of its gains. Thus, the dollar’s fall is a symptom of success, not of failure.