Sunday, 18 October 2009

The media - or rather the news columns in the media are getting their knickers in an awful twist.  They want the country to prosper again but then scream if the banks get their act together.  When the screaming is at its loudest it entirely fails to ask why a bank - with majority state shareholding - should be paying out big bonuses .  It shouldn’t go for the bankers - they are presumably doing this in the full knowledge of the government, their main shareholder. For them QE is - literally - money for nothing, not even for ‘old rope’.

Then again - and in relation to this article WHO might be “The usual suspects in the City, and their government lackeys” that want even more debt to pile up thus masasively increasing our risk of bankruptcy. ?  

These ‘deflation’ propagandists are leading us into the father and mother of a debt trap! 

In the second piece the near-term future of sterling is discussed in the light of a report by E&Y.  This hedges its betsbeautifully as I highlight! 


1. Those once called bonkers now point to where the madness lies
Consumer prices in the UK grew by only 1.1pc during the year to September. Britain's CPI inflation is now at a five-year low. The usual suspects in the City, and their government lackeys, are using this "below target" inflation number to crank-up, once again, the notion that Britain is about to tip into a "catastrophic deflationary spiral".


By Liam Halligan

As a result, the argument goes, we have "no choice" but to keep the Bank of England's printing presses in overdrive, pressing on with so-called "quantitative easing". And, clearly, any action to get the UK's disgraceful public finances under control would, given this deflationary threat, be "woefully premature".

The above paragraph, in essence, captures the consensus view now driving macroeconomic policy in both Britain and America – the "QE two". Yet it's completely and utterly wrong – not least as it's been formulated entirely to serve the financial vested interests that have so thoroughly captured these countries' political and policy-making elites.

I accept that UK inflation in September was low. But 1.1pc is nowhere near "deflation", which means that the CPI would remain negative for many months. The credit crunch has been in full swing for more than two years and it is only recently that the CPI has gone below the Bank's 2pc target, let alone breached zero.

Last month's CPI fall is entirely explained by the one-off impact of lower energy bills (tariffs were hiked last September) and last December's VAT reduction from 17.5pc to 15pc. Once these energy base effects wear off and the VAT cut is reversed, inflation will rise sharply. Core CPI inflation – excluding energy costs – rose to 1.7pc last month and would be 2.5pc had VAT stayed the same.

For all the talk that Britain is "slipping towards deflation", inflation averaged 1.5pc during the third quarter – above the 1.3pc forecast the Bank made just two months ago. The reality is that UK inflation has remained far higher during the credit crunch than the vast majority of economists expected.
At this point, I could rant on about how a few of us did warn that the threat of deflation was a self-serving myth, an intellectual deceit designed to justify the monetary incontinence we've seen since. Some of us were even called "bonkers" for our trouble and subjected to ad hominem attacks by government place-men within the Bank of England.

But we've been proven right. September was the low-point for the UK's CPI – and it's still a long way from zero. Given the impact of the recently falling pound on import prices, the Bank will be forced to increase its CPI projections in next month's quarterly Inflation Report.

With oil prices now rising steadily, having plunged during the fourth quarter of last year, the energy base effects will soon work in reverse, pushing the CPI up as fuel bills start to head skyward.

Even now, the Bank is forecasting 2.1pc inflation in the first three months of 2010 – further away from deflation. I'd say that's still too low. There are serious price pressures in the pipeline – over and above the "inconvenient truth" that QE means the UK will soon have tripled the size of its monetary base. When banks stop hoarding that cash, inflation will let rip.

Even before that happens, there are undeniable signs that supply-chain realities are now pushing prices up. In September, the producer price index rose for the first time in four months.

Which brings me, once again, to the "output gap" – yet another intellectual device that the City's pet economists have been using to justify our recent wildly expansionary policies (which, by coincidence have bailed out the banks that employ them, pumped up the stock market and ensured big bonuses are back in vogue).

For months, we've been told the credit crunch has created a "huge reservoir" of excess capacity and the economy's ability to supply dwarfs demand. So the government can print money and borrow like crazy without fear of stoking inflation.

This is total tosh. By starving firms of credit, this financial crisis has destroyed vast swathes of supply. I've said it many times before and now some serious people are starting to agree.

Last week James Bullard, the respected president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, argued that America's output gap is "much smaller than is commonly believed" – not least because the credit crunch has caused firms to shut and workforces to disperse, so eradicating productive capacity. Bullard dismisses as "overplayed" the notion that output gaps will keep inflation low.

Unlike his Fed colleagues in Washington, Bullard is no White House lickspittle. He is a serious economist, well capable of independent thought. We need more policymakers like him – who cannot be dismissed as "bonkers", but who dare to highlight the madness of the current policy consensus.

2. UK's budget deficit will leave pound weak until at least 2014
The pound will be stuck at near-parity against the euro for up to four years, according to a report from Ernst and Young Item Club.


By Edmund Conway

The report says that sterling could continue to weaken until 2014, as foreign investors balk at the unprecedented size of the UK's budget deficit.
Britain is also likely to save more to protect it from future shocks, according to Professor Peter Spencer, the institution's chief economic adviser.

He said the upshot of the shift from spending would be to depress the value of the pound for a long period of time, rather than the temporary blip many foreign exchange experts anticipate. He said that this was also in part due to the fact that with the economy likely to remain weak for an extended period of time "interest rates will be pinned to the floor".

"Sterling will remain very weak," he said. "On the basis of our forecasts, we are likely to hit parity with the euro, and until the public sector deficit is sorted out – which is not possible in a single parliament – and until the household sector has also got its balance sheet into order, the pound has to remain where it is."

The forecast does not entail a full-blown sterling crisis of the kind many in the market fear. It is instead based on the behaviour of the economy and the extent to which that attracts inflows of cash from overseas or not. However, should confidence in Britain's politicians and policymakers' ability to bring the UK's budget deficit back into order fail, the prospect of a full-scale crisis cannot be ruled out.  [So that’s a bet well hedged! -cs] 

The pound has fallen by more than a quarter against the euro and a similar amount against the dollar since the onset of the crisis two years ago.

The Bank of England has thus far regarded the currency's fall as benign, pointing to the boost it will provide for the economy, as exports are supported and industries such as the domestic tourism sector benefi