Michelle Malkin
"Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies"
October 10, 2009
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When Barack Obama launched his presidency, he pledged to "build a more hopeful America." On the campaign trail he promised to do away with Washington politics as usual.
But in the first six months of his term, Obama has indulged in a breath-taking campaign of nepotism, self-dealing, back-scratching, corporate lobbying, government favors, entrenched incumbency, and hypocrisy. Obama's government is not exactly the change people were hoping for.
In her devastating exposé, Culture of Corruption, bestselling author and investigative reporter Michelle Malkin cites example after example of Team Obama's corrupt dealings and abuses of power. Malkin shows how Obama has hand-picked a team that will do his dirty work for him and exposes dozens of corrupt dealings—all of which the liberal media would rather keep hidden.
Michelle Malkin is the author of three bestselling books, including the New York Timesbestseller Invasion. She is founder of two of the Internet’s top conservative blogs,michellemalkin.com and hotair.com. Malkin has worked in daily newspaper journalism since 1992, penned a nationally syndicated column for Creators Syndicate since 1999, and served as a Fox News Channel contributor since 2001. While working as an editorial writer/columnist for the Seattle Times, she won the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) national award for outstanding service for the cause of governmental ethics and leadership, and for investigative columns that exposed campaign finance abuses and corruption by Washington State Democrats, Republicans, and political organizations. After nearly a decade, Malkin escaped the Beltway swamp and now lives a much healthier, happier, uncorrupted life with her husband and two children in Colorado.
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