Monday, 26 October 2009

Monday, 26 October 2009

Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Declaration Could Invoke FEMA Response to Pandemic


'So let me get this straight. The H1N1 virus remains mild. The CDC reports that swine flu infections already peaked out in mid-October. There have been no new developments in swine flu that would be cause for alarm and no reason to suspect huge numbers of sick people flooding into the hospitals. And yet, for some reason, the Obama administration has declared a national pandemic emergency specifically for the purpose of speeding the ability of hospitals to process large masses of sick people through emergency medical triage tents?

What are these people not telling us?


Monday, 26 October 2009

Rainforest Treaty 'Fatally Flawed'

'A vital safeguard to protect the world's rainforests from being cut down has been dropped from a global deforestation treaty due to be signed at the climate summit in Copenhagen in December.

Under proposals due to be ratified at the summit, countries which cut down rainforests and convert them to plantations of trees such as oil palms would still be able to classify the result as forest and could receive millions of dollars meant for preserving them. An earlier version of the text ruled out such a conversion but has been deleted, and the EU delegation – headed by Britain – has blocked its reinsertion.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

MPs Plan 'Wife Swap' to Get Round New Expenses Rules

'The wives, husbands and other family members currently employed at the tax-payers' expense plan to apply for jobs with other MPs as a way of dodging the guidelines expected to be recommended by Sir Christopher Kelly next month.

Sir Christopher, the chairman of the committee on standards in public life, has been tasked with drawing up tough new rules to stop MPs abusing their allowances and expenses after the Daily Telegraph exposed widespread wrong-doing earlier this year.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

Czech President Klaus Still Holding Out Over Lisbon Treaty

'Václav Klaus, the Czech President, who is the last hurdle to full ratification of the Lisbon treaty, has made a final attempt to derail the agreement. In a submission to the Czech constitutional court, which will decide tomorrow whether the treaty is compatible with the country’s constitution, Mr Klaus has suggested that it should be subject to a referendum.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

New EU-US Energy Council to be Set Up Early November

'The EU and the US will set up a joint energy council at ministerial and commissioner level to streamline policy initiatives relating to green technologies, research and energy security on both sides of the Atlantic, a US official told this website.

"Energy is an important foreign policy priority for the US and a very important component of our bilateral relationship with the EU. We wanted to have a form of engagement with the Europeans to reflect that and to raise it to the policy level, to the cabinet level," the US official said in a phone interview, under condition of anonymity, as the final details of the plan are still being worked on.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

Doctors Speak Out About Swine Flu Vaccine Dangers

Monday, 26 October 2009

We Have Always Known The Answers

'The goal of recent decades has been to bring together all the various parts of this criminal-enterprise that has been forming for the last few centuries; in order to steal what has never before been even possible; before this age of the electronic grid. 
This has been a global plot and yes it has been a conspiracy, on a scale so large, that it is simply impossible for most people to even remotely grasp. The goal has been nothing-less than to get each of us to hold ourselves HOSTAGE to the goals of a global empire. Yet the freedom of our RELEASE from the artificiality of our self-imposed exile here and now, has always been within each of us-and is just waiting to be recognized.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

International Day of Climate Change Funded By.......

'Anytime there are world wide organized demonstrations urging action on global warming/climate change, my first question is who funds them and who really benefits.

From seabeds to mountaintops, people around the world were staging a day of demonstrations Saturday to call for urgent action on climate change. The events were being coordinated by a group called, whose name refers to the parts per million of carbon dioxide it considers the safe upper limit for our atmosphere.

So if you guessed the name Rockefeller as the major known backer of, you would be correct.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

CDC Guesstimated Swine Flu Cases and Refused CBS Freedom of Information Request!


Monday, 26 October 2009

'Dishonest' Blair and Straw Accused Over Secret Plan for Multicultural UK

'Jack Straw and Tony Blair 'dishonestly' concealed a plan to allow in more immigrants and make Britain more multi-cultural because they feared a public backlash if it was made public, it has been claimed. The allegation was made after a former Labour adviser said  the Government opened up UK borders partly to humiliate Right-wing opponents of immigration.

Andrew Neather, who worked for Mr Straw when he was Home Secretary, and as a speech writer for Mr Blair, claimed a secret Government report in 2000 called for mass immigration to change Britain's cultural make-up forever.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

Another Government Emergency

'National “emergencies” are always good for “bypassing rules” and making things up on the fly.

President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency, giving his health chief the power to let hospitals move emergency rooms offsite to speed treatment and protect noninfected patients. Health and Human Services chief Kathleen Sebelius now has authority to bypass federal rules when opening alternative care sites, such as offsite hospital centers at schools or community centers if hospitals seek permission.

The hysteria is completely out of control. Meanwhile, remember that Obama’s children will not, as of yet, get a swine flu vaccination.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

Nurses to Administer Swine Flu Vaccine as GPs Opt Out

'Public health nurses may have to be drafted in to give the swine flu vaccine in some parts of the country. The nurses will also be used in Dublin because of a lack of GPs willing to take part in the scheme, it was learned last night. The news came as health officials here insisted the vaccine is safe after fears were voiced in Germany about it.'


Monday, 26 October 2009

World's Largest Pyramid Discovered, Lost Mayan City Of Mirador Guatemala

Monday, 26 October 2009

President Obama Declares National Emergency Over Swine Flu Pandemic; But Why?

'According to the CDC, swine flu infections have already peaked, and the pandemic is on its way out. Peak infection time was the middle of October, where one in five U.S. children experienced the flu, says the CDC. Out of nearly 14,000 suspected flu cases tested during the week ending on October 10, 2009, 99.6% of those were influenza A, and the vast majority of those were confirmed as H1N1 swine flu infections.

Even though the H1N1 pandemic appears to have peaked out, U.S. President Barack Obama has now declared a national emergency over swine flu infections. The reasoning behind such a declaration? According to the White House, it's designed to "allow hospitals to better handle the surge in patients" by allowing them to bypass certain federal laws.

That's the public explanation for this, but the real agenda behind this declaration may be far more sinister.


Monday, 26 October 2009

Police in £9m Scheme to Log 'Domestic Extremists'

'Police are gathering the personal details of thousands of activists who attend political meetings and protests, and storing their data on a network of nationwide intelligence databases.

The hidden apparatus has been constructed to monitor "domestic extremists", the Guardian can reveal in the first of a three-day series into the policing of protests. Detailed information about the political activities of campaigners is being stored on a number of overlapping IT systems, even if they have not committed a crime.'