Monday, 19 October 2009
More things which may have been overlooked - - -
The far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders today won his appeal against the Government's decision to ban him from entering Britain.
The politician, who has been accused of Islamophobia, was told at the start of this year by the then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith that he would be refused entry should he attempt to enter the UK.
But today's ruling by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal means that Wilders could now be allowed into the country. (Independent 13/10.09)
[Arrived 16/10/09]
Sarkozy told Brown: “I love you”
Nicholas Sarkizy told Gordon Brown at the height of the financial crisis . . “I love you - - but not in a sexual way”. The comments were disclosed by Tom Fletcher MP, Mr Brown’s private secretary. He said he overheard the remarks, which were made in February. According to Mr Fletcher said “You know, Gordon, I should not like you, you are Scottish, we have nothing in common, and you are an economist. But somehow, Gordon, I love you - - but not in a sexual way.”
Mr Brown was, reportedly, surprised, although his reply was not disclosed. (Telegraph 16/10/09) [He must have been drunk - - to mistake Brown for an economist!]
“This is a parliament of the defeated and dejected. We MPs are in the position of workers at a threatened factory; if we resist there are thousands of thrusting youths, clever pillocks, and ambitious idiots, ready to replace us. Many would be prepared to submit to any humiliation to do the job for peanuts. That’s the going rate for monkeys.” (Austin Mitchell, Labour MP for Grimsby - quoted in S.Telegaaph 18/10/09)
The British Disease - Hypocrisy
As the public express shock, horror and outrage at MPs making use of their expense allowances, the same public in a YouGov poll rejected by 70% the idea that illegal ‘filesharing’ [a weasel word for stealing] of music tracks should be punished by disconnection from the internet. [Guardian 18/10/09) [one law to punish MPs and a different law NOT to punish thieves -cs]
Bolivian immigrant is allowed to stay . . . because of his English cat
An immigrant who was about to be deported from Britain has won a legal battle to stay in the country - partly because he and his girlfriend had bought a pet cat.
- - - sending the Bolivian back to his homeland would breach his Human Rights and joint ownership of a pet was evidence that he was fully settled in this country - - - even the name of the cat was blanked out in official court papers to protect its privacy. (S.Telegraph 18/10/09)
E.ON condemns overambitious targets for green energy
Government plans to generate 30 per cent of UK electricity from renewable sources by 2020 are doomed to failure, according to the chief executive of one of the world’s biggest utility companies.
Wulf Bernotat, chief executive of E.ON, said that British politicians needed to stop misleading the public about what was achievable.
He said that British plans to build 33 gigawatts of offshore wind power, up from 0.6 gigawatts at present, was impossible, given the necessary investment and relatively short timeframe. “Politicians need to be more realistic,” he said. “If you just set out these targets without really taking the effort to square it with industry, then you end up with the dilemma of it not being achievable.”
Mr Bernotat said that there was a bigger mismatch between government targets and what was achievable in Britain than in E.ON’s other key European markets, including its home market. [I always said Ed Miliband had a screw loose -cs] (The Times 19/10.09)
5 Labour MPs threaten by-elections
Now here's something that could cause the PM a bit of heartburn.
Five Labour backbenchers are so furious at their Legg demands that they are threatening to trigger by-elections, a senior Commons source tells me.
At least one of the five has actually rung Ian Gibson to ask how he did it. Calculations are being made, weighing up the loss of pension, severance and so on against the size of the Legg payback. The Legg request is so huge in some cases that resignation is seen as the best option - and the best way to achieve leverage with Brown.
The message is simple: if Brown doesn't curb Legg's retrospective cap, then he faces a string of potentially devastating by-election losses. "It's Gordon's nightmare - by-elections in safe seats in the depths of winter," says one source.
The tough stance from the 'Refusenik 5' (all five of whom are planning to stand down at the next election anyway) will give further problems for Harriet Harman as she attends the Commons Commission meeting today. I'm told their hardline approach has been communicated to the whips - but sources close to Nick Brown insisted just now they have not heard of any such by-election threats (Standard 19/10/09)
Posted by Britannia Radio at 17:08