Monday, 5 October 2009
Neither man is among my favourites! But Bkiim may be both a UKIP MP and outrageously sexist but I suppose he just made that way. Turner, on the other hand has failed in both his last two jobs as head of both the CBI and the FSA, the latter during the run-in and at the height of the fnancial crisis. Now he is going round making damaging remarks about Britain’s financial services industry, being piqued at not being promoted further.
So on this I back Bloom and not all those toffee nosed snobs in the Mansion House.
No more Bloom and bust for Mansion House
To Mansion House in the City of London – or not as the case may be. Last month UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom was there for a City of London banquet, as was head of the FSA, Lord "Red" Adair Turner.
By Jonathan Russell, City Diary Editor
Not only were both men there but both of them spoke, Lord Turner in a carefully prepared speech about the ills of the City, Mr Bloom in an off-the-cuff heckle about the ills of, well, Lord Turner.
It was the first time in living memory that anyone has heckled a Mansion House speaker – and perhaps the last. The Lord Mayor's office promptly sent UKIP a letter, which read: "Mr Bloom will not be receiving any further invitations to Mansion House events nor will be welcome at the Brussels Annual reception…at which Lord Turner is the keynote speaker.
"As to future Mansion House events we will be seeking a different MEP from UKIP as a potential guest."
Given his track record, Mr Bloom was unlikely to keep quiet about this. "Being censored by the silent sycophants is hardly a punishment. Lord Adair heads the failed FSA, and denounces the City. I denounce him.
"The last people to cause a fuss at the Mansion House were the supporters of Jack Wilkes in 1769. They ran under a slogan of 'Liberty, Property and Independence', so do I."
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