Thursday, 1 October 2009
No Means Yes
World Power EU
This Friday, the people of Ireland will vote, for the second time, on the Lisbon Treaty. That document, which earlier, under the name of "EU Constitution," had been rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands, was also rejected in June 2008 by the Irish population. If democratic standards would have been applied, the treaty would have already twice been discarded. The EU, which had abandoned democratic standards already for the ratification of the Treaty of Nice - when a negative Irish vote was simply repeated -, seeks to have this document imposed at any price. The Lisbon Treaty contains regulations that German government advisors consider an indispensible contribution to the EU and its hegemonic power, Germany, for reaching world power status: a tight organization of European foreign policy, including the establishment of an EU foreign minister and the obligation of all member nations to create a EU armed forces, as well as to participate in a permanent, synchronized arms buildup.[1]
A Strong Signal
Already before the first Irish referendum in June 2008, Berlin had put Dublin under enormous pressure, insisting on a "Yes" to the Lisbon Treaty from the Irish population. ( reported.[2]) Foreign pressure could possibly have been counterproductive is the opinion heard in Berlin since the "No," which is why in the lead up to this year's Irish campaign, German politicians have been a bit more restrained. But a few days ago German President Horst Koehler quickly ratified the treaty - a step parliamentarians in Berlin believe will be taken as a "strong Signal" in Dublin.[3] In addition the EU Commission intervened and campaigned for the treaty, for example with costly newspaper inserts. The pressure on the Irish government has also been maintained from behind the scenes. Political advisors in Berlin are contemplating the "creation of a new supra-national union" - excluding Ireland - as well as hinting that Ireland should "voluntarily" leave the EU.[4] A third repetition of the referendum is also still being discussed, though not as a primary option - after all, this would completely destroy all democratic pretenses.
Air War, Ground War
The PR campaign that Dublin, launched under pressure from Berlin and Brussels, is comprehensive. The Irish government claims that the "No" of the June 2008 referendum, was due to the population's lack of knowledge and could be transformed into a "Yes" simply through enlightenment. Even German political advisors are admitting "that those in favor of the treaty are still having difficulties providing a positive reason for voting in favor of that complex accord."[5] The EU establishment in Dublin has founded several new PR organizations and further professionalized its campaign. Among the means used is an intensive presence in the media - known as the "air war" - and its canvassing on the streets and from door to door (the "ground war"). Therefore this referendum could serve as a barometer for whether the elite in the EU, by means of simple PR, will be able to neutralize democratic resistance to their project.
Show Business
The campaign has been organized along precise sociological criteria. Analyses of the June 2008 referendum showed that the "Yes" vote could actually be pinpointed: The majority of the affluent milieu living in the Irish capital's prosperous communities approved the Lisbon Treaty. They are the ones who politically and economically benefit from the EU's elite project, while the majority in the lower strata in Irish cities and rural catholic milieus voted "No", because they obviously cannot hope for any improvements through the hegemonic cravings of the EU's elite.[6] In its efforts to coerce a "Yes" outcome, Dublin is engaging key personalities in its campaign, such as famous athletes and prominent show business people, popular enough among the lower classes to possibly have an influence on certain milieus of the treaty's opponents. Rural catholic milieus are being urged to vote "Yes", by a bishop from Northern Ireland (!), who is a proponent of the treaty.
Last Resistance
Berlin and Brussels are expecting that only London could pose problems. According to the British press, David Cameron, the conservative opposition leader, has asked Czech president Václav Klaus for his support. Klaus has not yet ratified the treaty. But he is delaying his signing, because Czech parliamentarians are asking a court to examine certain aspects of the treaty for their conformity to the Czech Constitution. Whereas the Labor government had not found it necessary that the British people vote on the treaty, Cameron would like to hold a referendum. But this would mean that Cameron has to annul the Labor government's ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, which can only be done if his party wins a majority in parliament and he becomes the next prime minister. The chances of this taking place are very good, because of the Labor Party's dramatic loss of standing. But it is not yet certain, if the Czech president will delay his signature under the Lisbon Treaty until after the British elections in the spring 2010. It is this delay that Cameron is said to have asked Václav Klaus for.[7]
The Next Campaign
According to the British press, the EU establishment is already up in arms. If the Irish referendum provides a "Yes" this Friday, the next EU campaign already has its target - Czech President, Václav Klaus.
Please read also: The End of Neutrality, Irish Neutrality, Plan B, Ireland is Everywhere, Disastrous Consequences and Europe's Polyarchy.
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Britannia Radio