Thursday, 29 October 2009
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Drivers acquitted of motoring charges will pay costs under new government 

New regulations set to come into force later this month will see motorists 
forced to cough up court costs - even if they're found not guilty or 
acquitted of motoring offences. 

The government-inspired change to the current set-up - where drivers get 
costs refunded if they're innocent - is being implemented to save cash, in 
spite of fierce opposition from legal and motoring groups who were nominally 
'consulted' before the new policy was drawn up. 

According to the Ministry of Justice, the age old principle of 'the loser 
pays' has been costing the government too much money. As a result the new 
rules make it clear that in future drivers will have to foot the bill for 
clearing their name. According to The Taxpayers Alliance, that equates to 
400,000 people, or one in four of those who challenge a ticket. 

Now the Conservative party has joined the last ditch effort to derail the 
changes, and campaigners are looking for more signatories to a petition on 
the Number 10 website. We're off to go and sign the petition ourselves, and 
you can find out more by reading the press release below, that was issued by 
the Association of Motor Offence Lawyers today. 

AMOL press Release: 

Tories Back Protest Against the MOJ's New Costs Recovery Rules & Vote for 
Parliamentary Debate 

Current law dictates that if you have paid for legal representation and are 
prosecuted for an offence and found not guilty, you will receive an order 
for your costs to be assessed and paid back by the court. However, according 
to the Ministry of Justice, this age old principle of "the loser pays" was 
costing the government too much money. A consultation was first announced in 
2008 on restricting the costs the government has to pay as a result of 
losing so many cases. 

The consultation attracted responses from over 100 organisations and 
individuals. Responses included overwhelming opposition to the change in 
rules, as it was felt that if a person is proven innocent they should not be 
financially penalised with an extensive legal bill. The new rules, to be 
implemented in October, will mean that even if a defendant is acquitted of 
an offence, they will be expected to foot the majority of their legal bill 

In June 2009, the MOJ announced their plans to go ahead with their rule 
changes regardless of the resistance. Jeanette Miller, President of the 
Association of Motor Offence Lawyers, was astounded that the MOJ ignored the 
opposition and steam-rollered ahead with changes in the rules. Not satisfied 
with the MOJ's complete disregard to the protests raised during the 
consultation process, she launched an e-petition live on the no.10 website. 
To date the petition is backed by 3,559 signatures and the number is 
increasing every minute -

Miss Jeanette Miller of the Association of Motor Offence Lawyers (AMOL) 
comments:"I recognize that government spending may need to be reduced but it 
will be taxpaying motorists and small businesses who will be most penalized 
by the planned rule change. Saving money at the expense of having a fair 
system with access to justice for all parties accused of a crime is not the 
answer. It will most likely result in increased costs as lawyers across the 
country are being briefed on a campaign to make wasted costs applications in 
every instance of CPS inefficiency which will result in the CPS being forced 
to pay sums expected to far outweigh the amount the government are seeking 
to save." 

The petition itself outlines the affect these rules will have on motorists, 
as legal aid is not available for the majority of motoring prosecutions and 
most members of the general public will appreciate the grave impact of the 
inability to defend a prosecution for a motoring offence being that there 
are currently around 27 million licence holders in the UK. However, if 
allowed to be implemented, the rule changes will also affect any defendant 
acquitted of a crime in the Magistrates' Court if they chose to instruct a 
lawyer who charges normal (not legal aid) rates. 1.4 million motorists were 
prosecuted through the Magistrates' Courts in 2007. 26% were found not 
guilty. This is a huge issue and until now, it seemed to be sweeping in 
under the carpet due to a lack of understanding of what it actually means to 
the average citizen on the street. 

So far the petition has support from the Law Society, dozens of QC's and the 
Criminal Bar Association have fully endorsed the sentiments behind the 
petition. The petition is also backed by the following organizations: 

1. Association of Motor Offence Lawyers (AMOL); 
2. Health and Safety Lawyers Association; 
3. The Criminal Bar Association; 
4. The Association of British Drivers; 
5. Drivers' Alliance (responsible for the largest ever petition against road 
pricing who obtained 1.8 million signatures over a 3 month period); and 
6. The London Criminal Solicitors' Association; 
7. The Taxpayers' Alliance; and 
8. The AA. 

Matthew Elliott, Chief Executive at the TaxPayers' Alliance said:"This 
proposal is unjust, unfair and will prevent innocent motorists from 
effectively fighting penalties. With police forces too often using speed 
cameras more to raise revenue than save lives, it is vital that people are 
given a fair opportunity to clear their names when given an unjust penalty 
charge; they shouldn't be financially punished if they are acquitted. 
Motorists will fight this to the hilt, and the Government is going to feel 
the full force of people power until it sees sense and backs down." 

Dominic Grieve QC MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and MP for 
Beaconsfield commented: 
"I entirely share your concern about these proposals and do not believe that 
it is right that the defendant should only receive a fraction of their legal 
costs back from central funds if they are acquitted. While there may be an 
argument for preventing a claim for grossly excessive costs, the 
Government's proposals appear to me to be unfair and wrong." 

Since launching the petition, it has gathered increasing support from 
members of parliament. After spending an afternoon at the Houses of 
Parliament with Shadow Minister for Access to Justice, Henry Bellingham MP, 
he made the decision to call for a committee to be selected to pray against 
the new cost recovery rules, with a statutory instrument to be implemented 
at the end of October. 

Mr. Henry Bellingham MP is confident of a vote being organised within the 
next two weeks saying: 
"It is a disgrace that Ministers apparently have no intention of debating 
this issue in the House to justify themselves. That is why we will try to 
force a vote and a debate on the new regulations." 

Mr. Henry Bellingham MP went on to say: 

"If the Conservatives win the next election they will certainly wish to 
review this issue as far from saving money, it might actually trigger 
numerous additional cost that would far exceed the government's target to 
save £20 million per year." 

Author: Chris-R