Sunday, 11 October 2009

October 11, 2009

Is the Federal Reserve a Secret Society?
Interestingly, Congress refused to audit the Federal Reserve after bills co-sponsored by Rep. Ron Paul and more than half of the House (Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR 1207), and in the Senate (S 604) co-sponsored by Sens. Jim DeMint, Mike Crapo and David Vitter, were stopped before even being introduced on the floor on "procedural grounds." Why would they do that?........
by Sharon Hughes

Chic Cheap Journalism and Faux-News, Part 2

Let’s see if I have it right. The system Moore trashes is the very one that initiated Moore (and King, I might add) into the ranks of America’s unconscionably wealthy minority; moreover, it’s a system America falls far short of modeling in its finest sense. Even so, rather than set a good system back on track, Moore would summarily throw out the proverbial baby with the bath water in exchange for what? An egalitarian super-status for the mass proletariat reflected in the State. Last I looked, this is naked Marxism........
by Debra Rae

An examination of the tragedy of the commons: Pollution, Part 2
The health claim for soy is still in place, a decade later, and soy has evolved to health king status. As Mike Adams reports on May 20, 2009 “Virtually all "protein bars" on the market today are made with soy protein. Many infant formula products are also made with soy protein, and thousands of vegetarian products (veggie burgers, veggie cheese, "natural" food bars, etc.) are made with soy protein. That soy protein is almost........
by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND

A two-year moratorium on health care reform now
Hegel was a bastard who believed that governance was a playground of the idle ambitious whereby national safeguards were attacked and dismantled, then solutions introduced which were not really engineered to work. Another crisis appears and more ineffective solutions. In this practice, you could transfer wealth and gain power by never fixing what you broke, and never revealing that you broke it as part of governance......
by John Longenecker