Tuesday, 13 October 2009

October 13, 2009

How Judicial Corruption Stripped an Innocent Man of His Rights

I have fewer rights than a convicted felon. Let me make something clear right up front. Misleading press reports notwithstanding, I have never been convicted of a crime in my life. In fact, I have never been so much as charged with a crime. And I have never even got off on a technicality. Someday, I may get the chance to stand before a jury and defend myself against some trumped up charge, but to date I have not been afforded that opportunity. Even though I have never been charged or convicted........
by Bill Sizemore

Vatican Backs Obama’s Global Agenda

Some pro-life Catholics are acting shocked that the Vatican warmly greeted the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, who is pro-abortion. They don’t seem to understand that the Vatican and Obama agree on most major international issues. This is the untold story—how Obama and the Vatican accept major ingredients of what has been called a New World Order. Another untold story is how.......
by Cliff Kincaid

Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 27

Previously we summarized Hall’s comments about the "mass of occult and Masonic symbols" on the Great Seal, which he believed only students of archaic or esoteric symbolism would be able to accurately decipher. This included the obverse side of the Great Seal, where a bald eagle, which he illustrated was a shrewd mythical phoenix so important to Masonic mysticism, clutches a bundle of arrows in its left talon, while its right claw grips an olive branch. "But," Hall then went on to say.....
by Thomas R. Horn