Thursday, 15 October 2009

October 15, 2009

Protecting America's Food Supply Takes Backseat with Obama

The report, submitted to the US Congress and obtained by, assesses how the Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection, the Food and Drug Administration, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service are addressing challenges in overseeing the safety of imported food. It also assesses how the FDA utilizes resources by working with other entities, such as state and foreign governments, and........
by NWV News

Trusting In Horses

Funny isn’t it, our once solid American dollar is in a free fall because the gold that once under girded it has been removed. Remove the firm foundation and a building is destined for collapse. For over two centuries the ordinances of God were the pillars upon which this nation stood. Remove those supports and the Constitution is not worth the paper it was written on........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Obama’s Fateful Decision

Obama’s policy will produce economic stagnation of the sort that the Europeans have suffered from for decades, and it will eventuate in a collapse of the American dollar. Obama and his minions understand this, and this is what they want: the elimination of the foundations for American hegemony and the crippling of this country. [In other words, Obama and his minions are pursuing intertwined domestic and foreign policies whose goal is to terminate America’s dominance in international affairs.].....
by Professor Paul Eidelberg

Amnesty Assured to Create Added Illegal Immigration

While the political winds blow toward a new amnesty against the American people by the representatives elected to work in their interest, these findings illustrate the human juggernaut Americans face with any amnesty. Demographic projections show Mexico adding 40 million more people to their population by 2050. If they cannot sustain them in 2009, you can bet millions of poor along with other migrants around the world cannot help but see a green light to overload Americans shores with sheer numbers......
by Frosty Wooldridge