Extreme Danger of USCIS Rubber-Stamping Illegals' Applications
Now we have the Zogby Poll as reported on by Steve Camarota, the Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, making it clear that citizens of Mexico would be encouraged to seek to violate our nation's borders to enter the United States to seek unlawful employment. As you may know, I have been affiliated with the Center for Immigration Studies for about 7 years.........
by Former INS Agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
Unemployment: Now, That’s Sustainable!
The truth of the matter is that America is in deep, deep trouble and all the gutless globalist lapdogs in the media can do is lie to the people, trying to convince them that we are not in a depression — it’s only a “recession” — and it will soon be over. The deception is intended to get the American people, true to the failed Keynesian economic model, to spend money they don’t have, in a hopeless attempt to apply the defibrillation paddles to the dying patient which is the American economy........
by Darren Weeks
A Rush of Testosterone and Alpha Males
Rush, with his usual (and often hidden) sense of humility has done America a huge favor. He has shown the media to clearly be the hypocrites they pretend they are not. The liberal media likes to think of its self as non-racist, when their very actions prove them to be among the most rabid racists in the world! Those who wielded the microphones in the world of sports in 2003 and reported Limbaugh to be a racist haven’t got a clue as to the true meaning of.....
by Marilyn Barnewall
Maria Shriver: Alimony Terminator
We love you, Maria Shriver. For the past half-year, with unchecked politically correct sexism, you’ve preached that America is a woman’s nation. Not only haven’t you faced any resistance, legal or social, NBC is rewarding you with a weeklong series called — what else? — A Woman’s Nation™. Maria Shriver, you have two sons and two daughters. Do your sons like hearing from you that they’re growing up in a woman’s nation? I doubt it. What will their.........
by Marc Rudov