The 24/7 casino—by invitation only! But the issue appears to go beyond bidding up shares frantically and irrationally in a bubble atmosphere, without taking the time to properly evaluate the fundamentals of the assets in which one is investing. It’s not just that U.S. equities trading no longer reflect the fundamentals of the real economy or individual companies occupying that economy, but that it no longer seems to be in the business raising money for investment in promising new ideas or technologies or allocating capital to those projects with the most competitive returns on a risk-adjusted basis. Indeed, from this author’s perspective, through some bizarre transmogrification, the U.S. equity market now competes with new ideas, new technologies and, potentially, high-return projects for capital. And any new capital it attracts is used only to invest in itself. Morgan Downey, Author, "Oil 101" 10/21 American Pie by James Quinn 10/21 A Golden Star is (about to be) Born. by Peter DegraafMarket Observation
IPO Nos - Part 2
October 21, 2009 by Richard A. Eckert
Full article | Previous article: Part 1Financial Sense Newshour
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Quint Tatro (Technical), Axel Merk (Economy), Joseph Dancy (Energy), James Turk (Metals) Part 1 - Climbing the Wall of Worry | Other Voices: Jeff Clark, Casey's Gold & Resource Report
Part 2 - There Is No Such Thing As a Free Lunch | Other Voices: William Houston, coauthor of "Water: The Final Resource" | Q-CallsFinancial Sense Online Editorials
10/21 Pick Me Up, Dust Me Off: The More Tax Friendly 401(k) by Paul Petillo
10/21 The geopolitics behind the phoney US war in Afghanistan by F. William Engdahl
10/19 Gold: What's REALLY Behind the Record Rise, Bull or Bubble? by Elliott Wave
10/19 Black Gold... Green Oil by Marin Katusa
10/19 Agri-Food Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
10/19 Th*nk*ng (Beginnings) by Fred Cederholm
10/19 Clean Energy Transition: Policy and Program Challenges by Andrew McKillop
10/19 The Gold Basis is Dead - Long Live the Gold Basis! by Antal Fekete
10/19 This Week: Market Top? by Peter Navarro, Ph.D.
10/16 Oil – Will it be priced in currencies other than the U.S. $? by Julian Phillips
10/16 Death of the Dollar, Again: Before You Mourn, See This Chart by Elliott Wave
10/16 Greenspan Gone Wild (Again) by Brady Willett
10/16 Is This the Final Blast-Off? by David Morgan
10/16 Disarming America by J. R. Nyquist
10/16 The Truth About Energy by Puru Saxena
10/15 The Dollar in Your Wallet Is Only Worth 18¢ by Jeff Clark
10/14 Gold Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
10/14 Russia Bolivia to launch gas joint venture by F. William Engdahl
10/12 Rats in a Cage by James Quinn
10/12 Commodities Boom or New Bermuda Triangle? by Andrew McKillop
10/12 Th*nk*ng (Prizes) by Fred Cederholm
10/12 This Week: China’s “Commodity Colony” by Peter Navarro, Ph.D.
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Financial Sense University Editorials
10/21 Attack by Central Bank Lilliputians by Jim Willie
10/21 Global Growth Trends – Asia and Brazil by Hans Wagner
10/20 Recognizing a Bubble – Dynamics of Free Money by Axel Merk
10/20 Gold in Uncharted Territory with Silver Following Along by David Urban
10/20 Let’s Talk About Gold! by David Vaughn
10/20 Who Woke the Dragon? by Darryl Schoon
10/19 Financial Holocaust, Zero Bound and the Next Leg Down by Ty Andros
10/19 Loss Of Wealth by Captain Hook
10/19 What Does Adens’ $5,800 Gold Projection Mean for Gold and Silver Junior Equities? by Lorimer Wilson
10/19 Mega Profits by Neil Charnock
10/19 Precious Metals, Oil & Nat Gas Trend Charts by Chris Vermeulen
10/19 EIA Data Points to a Bullish Gas Market by Joseph Dancy
10/16 China, The Global Carry Trade and Oil by Keith Schaefer
10/16 And the Moon's Made of Cheese by Adrian Ash
10/16 Primary Bear Trend about to resume? by Brian Bloom
10/16 Will Q3 Earnings Support the Rally? by Sy Harding
10/16 Ignorance Is Bliss by Peter Schiff
10/16 Trading Trap #8: Failure To Truly, Madly and Deeply Believe In Yourself by Janice Dorn, MD, PhD
10/16 U.S. Michigan Sentiment Index Decreased to 69.4 by Tony Cherniawski
10/16 The US Dollar Is Doomed! by Patrick Heller
10/16 The Flip Side of a ‘Jobless Recovery’ by Andy Sutton
10/16 No Armageddon... Yet! by Deepcaster
10/16 Reflation Supported By Stocks, Commodities, and Oil by Chris Ciovacco
10/15 Gold’s New Friends by David & Eric Coffin
10/15 Transition point - Whither the USD, gold, and Dow? by Christopher Laird
10/15 Blight on Humanity Addendum by Rob Kirby
10/15 Dow Closes Over 10,000 - What Does This Mean – Nothing by Brewer Futures
10/15 Gold & Gold Stocks to Benefit by Neil Charnock
10/15 Dollar Update by Sol Palha
10/15 End of US$ Global Reserve Currency by Jim Willie
10/15 U.S. Stock Markets Disconnected from Reality by John Browne
10/14 Global Growth Trends – Falling Value of the U.S. Dollar by Hans Wagner
10/14 Abandoning the USS Dollar by Jennifer Barry
10/14 Repent! by Stephen Kovaka
10/14 Gold Price Action Emphasizes ‘Standard’ Status by James West
10/14 Other Peoples Money by Captain Hook
10/12 Crazy Market Thoughts – Wake Me Up When September Ends by David Zurbuchen
10/12 Part II: Deflation or Inflation? Here is the Answer… by Paul Mladjenovic
10/12 He Who Owns The Right Of Way... by Shelby Moore, III
10/12 Dow Jones Commodity Index Fund Trading Opportunity by Chris Vermeulen
10/12 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending October 9 by Doug Gnazzo
10/12 Building the Labor Force with Forced Labor by Michael Pento
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Thursday, 22 October 2009
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Britannia Radio