The Importance of Values and Principles
Have State Legislators begun to realize the federal government is usurping the powers given them by the Constitution of the United States? If I read this message from Tennessee accurately, the answer is “yes.” I hope that message jolts every politician, bureaucrat and government lawyer who reads it. I hope it makes them remember that if they have been involved in covering up criminal activities associated with fraud or treason, their feet may yet tread a final despot walk from which they thought their government status protected them.........
by Marilyn Barnewall
Environmental Facts the Greens Will Never Mention
The problem today is a minor one, but growing. It is estimated that to provide enough energy from wind power to reduce energy shortages in California, it would take wind farms equaling an area the size of Connecticut. That could cause a lot of false tornado warnings. Will Americans become accustomed to the false panics and tragically ignore a real warning someday, causing a wind farm Katrina? Going green causes a lot more problems than in solves – especially since many of the perceived environmental........
by Tom DeWeese
Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 29
Using the descriptions of the symbols provided by Masons, the first thing one notes at the bottom of the ladder is the point within the circle: the symbol of Ra, Osiris, and Isis joined in procreation, "bounded between North and South by two grand parallel lines." The blazing star near the center of the board represents the Dog Star Sirius, which is related to Lucifer and the Osiris epic at length, according to Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma. He noted that.....
by Tom Horn