Thursday, 29 October 2009

October 29, 2009

The End of An Era and the Promise of A New

Marxism? No one can any longer take Marx seriously, even though Marxism, in diluted form, continues to influence Western politics. As for Christianity, its doctrine of separation of church and state, once salutary, now precludes Christianity from having architectonic influence on contemporary society. America, once a sober Christian nation, elected, according to Islamic law, a Muslim as its president, who seems to hate everything America stands........
by Professor Paul Eidelberg

To All You Fuzzy Socialists Out There

Fuzzy, socialist-liberals — What useful idiots you are for the Obama's of this world. You always accuse free-market advocates like me of being "mean," or not having any Christian ideals. Well, let's see. What would a good Christian want for his fellow man? — for people to live happy, productive lives, to not be slaves of any dictatorial government, to have the chance to fulfill their hopes and dreams, to not have to live in poverty and.......
by Joel Turtel

A Winning Lifestyle

With the epidemic of chronic disease and little hope for a decent health care package for America, you may not believe it’s possible to lower your risk of developing diabetes by 93%, heart attack by 81%, stroke by 50% and cancer by 36%. You may not believe it but it’s true. And what is the miracle pill that can do all that? Is it aspirin, is it the new.....
by Dr. Carolyn Dean MD. ND

Personal Responsibility: Personal Accountability

Following up the two part series on “U.S. Filling Up with Dumb People,” an amazing number of emails arrived with a sense of heart break, distress and futility. Older Americans seem to think that America can return to the way it was! Younger Americans don’t have a clue as to the way it used to be! Immigrant Americans don’t know what America once was nor do they care about what we are becoming. They don’t know......
by Frosty Wooldridge