Sunday, 4 October 2009

October 4, 2009

Private Corp. Takes Over Policing, Incarcerating in Montana Town

In a news story that gained little attention, CBS News' web site reported that a private security firm --American Police Force Corporation -- has been contracted by the town of Hardin, Montana to provide all police services and to manage the operation of that town's jail. According to its web site, APF, a California firm, specializes in training military and security forces overseas and provides security services such as armed bodyguards........
by NWV News

Enraged by Fascist Insurrection

The Super Rich Elitist Families, who hide from public exposure, control both political parties and have instituted a comprehensive INSURRECTION of our Republic by putting Traitors into all branches and levels of government who support unconstitutional laws, repress and loot our people while denying us the Rule of Law. Let’s get one thing clear....
by Former Kentucky State Trooper, Andrew Wallace, Ret.

Swayze Not Dead From Cancer

Doctors need to help cancer patient reverse the metabolic blunder of cachexia. This helps the body rebound from cancer and chemo by partitioning energy to allow for the production of healthy cells, while cancerous ones are wiped away with chemo – nutritional or conventional......
by Shane Ellison, M.Sc

The Extreme Makeover of Fox News Analyst Marc Lamont Hill

Who would plaster his Twitter page with police mug shot photos of convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur? Fox News contributor Marc Lamont Hill did. At least until David Horowitz and Accuracy in Media took notice and wrote about it. Now the page features photos of boxing great Muhammad Ali. Hill’s MySpace page is also gone. There are other changes as well. The tributes to Shakur and black racist Khallid Muhammad, known as “America’s Black Hitler,” have disappeared from his web pages. The articles were saved, however, and can be found here......
by Cliff Kincaid