NWV Is proud to introduce our newest contributing writer, Attorney Jonathan Emord from Washington DC.
He is the author of the new book "The Rise of Tyranny" Here is his first article.
Liberty Has Given Way to Tyranny
Throughout history tyranny has assumed many forms (monarchy, dictatorship, autocracy, and oligarchy) but all share in common a unity of legislative, executive, and judicial power in the hands of one or a few. Liberty, an historical rarity, has existed only when legislative, executive, and judicial powers have been limited and kept in separate and competing hands with the rights of the individual being sovereign. Tyranny may be defined as the unbridled exercise of will by one over the life, liberty, or property of another without the other’s consent. Rightful liberty, as........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Chic Cheap Journalism and Faux-News, Part 1
Trends toward media consolidation diminish the need for competition. Hence, stations routinely sacrifice content and cut costs to increase profits. Chic “cheap journalism” spares all expense. For example, reporters bypass costly, investigative journalism for “quickie” repeat visits to grieving families and courts of law. There they rehash known facts about macabre cases that are more tabloid appropriate than newsworthy. When hard pressed to find a bleed story with which to lead, local stations turn to their affiliates for fast fixes, or they employ what is portrayed as a cliff-hanging, nail-biting “tease.”.......
by Deborah Rae
Do Not Blame Barack
Contrary to what my title indicates, I probably judge Barack Obama more harshly than most reading this. I don’t think he is just a misguided ideologue or merely a creature of expediency. I believe, practically speaking, that he is an evil man. That is to say, while he is largely ignorant like so many others, he has developed an affinity for evil. He mistakes it for good. Yet, to be blunt, Obama doesn’t alarm me as much as the average American. To explain why, I’ll present something Roman philosopher and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero said 2000 years ago.......
by Selwyn Duke
Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 26
What most in the public do not understand is that, in spite of denial by some Masons, theirs is a religious institution with rituals and specific prophetic beliefs concerning a human-transforming final world order, founded on and maintained by dozens of doctrines that can be defined by what "Masonry’s greatest philosopher," Manly P. Hall, in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry [1] called "the principles of mysticism and the occult rites." The reason lower-degree Masons would deny this is because the.......
by Thomas Horn