Credit where credit is due. Following Today's attempted ambush of William Hague yesterday over the alleged Nazi sympathies of Michael Kaminski, the leader of Poland's Law and Justice Party who are the Conservative party's new European allies, the programme invited on this morning Michael Shudrich, Poland's chief rabbi, to clarify whether or not - as David Miliband alleged yesterday - he believed Mr Kaminski was anti-semitic. Very cooly and precisely, Mr Shudrich said that, although Mr Kaminski had in his youth belonged to a neo-Nazi party, he had long since moved on and was now strongly pro-Isreal and "anti anti-semitic"in his beliefs. Not only that, again despite what Mr Miliband disgracefully alleged, the Law and Justice Party was not right-extremist (ie racist), but a respectable centre-right party. So the programme definitely went out of its way - by tracking Mr Shudrich down to be interviewed - to demonstrate that David Miliband's claims were preposterous. However, and there is always a big 'however' when the BBC finds something that supports a view to the right of centre, Nick Robinson came in on the act at the end to say that - despite the clarification over Poland -problems still were in store over the new Conservative grouping in the European Parliament, because there were big (unspecified) questions about the Latvians, another member of the new group. The menacing innuendo in his claims was so strong that he virtually nullified all that had been said by the chief rabbi.Party Posturing (Part 2)
>> FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 14:40