The boy David Miliband has been revealing the real post-Lisbon EU agenda today; that he and the rest of his rotten party want Tony Blair to become president of Europe, and the UK itself to be a vassal state in the pursuit of EU goals. As usual, the BBC gives him acres of space to push his federalist views, both on the website and on most major news programmes such as World at One. And what's almost completely missing from this fawning coverage? Any idea - as was clearly expressed on June 3 in the European elections - that the whole vast EU edifice stinks, that Britain hates Tony Blair and that what the EU is doing is against the wishes of the British people. The only opposition that WATO could muster to the Miliband's mad dash to crown Tony Blair was French foreign affairs spokesman Bernard Kouchner, whose only objections were that Blair had not joined the euro and that us Brits did not like the EU enough. Several of you have pointed out that the BBC hasn’t much to say about theAndrew Neather story. It’s a pity because it’s regarded as explosive. The Nick Griffin furore inspired Mr. Neather to admit that mass immigration was deliberately engineered by the labour government who wanted to: a) rub the right’s nose in diversity, and b) to fill skills shortages. Now that things have gone awry Andrew Neather still wishes to make a case for immigration, and a very good case it might have been, if no-one existed outside London. What he doesn’t know is that people live in far-flung places like Luton, Dewsbury and other outer-reaches of the stratosphere. He is all in favour of Londoners having easy access to nannies, gardeners and cleaners, perhaps drawn from the pool of immigrants whose good English and previous earning capacity earned requisite points for easier entry. The Neather children are enriched by the cosmopolitan make-up the south London primary school they attend, and he shudders to think how parochial London might be without its diversity. The government knew that white working class voters, now known as the indigenous British, wouldn’t understand, so speeches were constructed to obfuscate rather than elucidate. The article was spotted by the right wing press but it was too late to undo the damage. Even his backtracking attempt entitled ‘How I became the story and why the Right is wrong’ couldn’t put the genie back in the bottle. Some commenters pointed out that if we had a decent skills education all this would have been unnecessary, Melanie Phillips and the Telegraph took it by the scruff of the neck. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch think tank, said: "Now at least the truth is out, and it's dynamite.” All of this, and hardly anyone dares mention the thing that really scares people. It’s not really Poles, eastern Europeans, Chinese, Indians, or black immigrants that are worrying indigenous whitey, although when any of these work in the health service without a good grasp of colloquial English, that is a disgrace. It’s the immigrants who don’t like us; who “see us - but don’t wanna be us” that we could do without. That’s why Nick Griffin is where he is. Hat Tips: Ian, George R, David Jones, etc. One of the main BBC stories this Monday morning is that efforts are being made to create a new 'anti-slavery' law in the UK. Surprise, surprise, it is supported by the BBC favourite harridan-in-chief, the ubiquitous Shami Chakrabati, as well as Anti-Slavery, described as 'the only British charity to fight slavery'. The concern among some sections of the political classes who have sanctioned the influx of millions of immigrants is apparently that some of these incomers are being forced to work long hours for little money by ruthless gangmasters. The chaps at the BBC, of course, support the whole idea of more new laws, first by giving such heavy emphasis to such a non-story (even Anti-Slavery concede there are only 1,000 people possibly affected), and second by ensuring that, in the write-up of this non problem (which, in reality, can easily be dealt with by existing legislation), those who want a deluge of new laws to regulate our behaviour, including Ms Chakrabati, are given the greatest prominence. This particular topic is viewed as esepcially important by the BBC because, of course, to them, slavery was a nasty and inexplicable part of our imperial past, and there's nothing that the BBC hates more than Britain's colonialism. And missed altogether in the reporting is the obvious link to why Nick Griffin and his racism thrive; that this 'problem' has been created by the very liberal classes (including the BBC) who are somehow surprised that, if you allow in to Britain on an unregulated basis hundreds of thousands of people with different types of behaviour, you import elements of their criminality, too. Did anyone hear Saturday Live R4 yesterday? The bit about Uday Hussein’s body-double, Latif Yahia. The poor fellow was forced, on pain of death to him and his family, to impersonate the evil Uday. Fi “How did that make you feel” Glover was sympathetic, as you would be. But hang on. When Uday himself decided to take a potshot at poor Latif, all obstacles must have evaporated because he somehow managed to escape and get himself the hell outta there, and henceforth to Ireland where he married an Irish girl and lived happily ever after. Near the end of the programme, someone emailed to ask why Fi had been so sympathetic and had treated him as a victim, when he had witnessed and possibly carried out some of the more unpleasant things in in the course of his impersonating duties. She wasn’t having any. She sternly reminded us that Latif was terrified and intimidated and had no choice but to comply (on pain of death to him and his family.) We were never told how , when push came to shove, he was able to get away, nor were we told what became of his family. I wasn’t sure what to make of that yesterday. But just now I clicked on a linkand it seems there’s more to Fi’s sob story than meets the eye. James Forsythe, in the Telegraph, hits the nail squarely on the head when he says the the BNP can be dismissed - but their constituency can not. Unfortunately almost all politicians and vast swathes of the media, the BBC above all, have consistently failed to make any serious analysis of why the party has grown in membership and electoral support over the last fifteen years despite the seedy nature of it’s current leadership. So naturally, as Minette Marrin pointed out in The Times, BBC’s Question Time concentrated on shooting the messenger by setting him up. Nick Griffin reverberations continue loudly, but meanwhile our friends at the BBC are pushing as hard as ever this weekend in their climate change nonsense. The corporation desperately wants agreement in Copenhagen, and is leaping at every opportunity to support moves which will have only one real effect: to condemn millions in Britain and throughout the world to fuel poverty. Posted this morning was a story which, as usual, has related pictures of melting ice and a forlorn polar bear. It suggests that a sub-group of countries and legislators are working behind the scenes to ensure that agreement is reached to cut emissions come what may. As is wearily predictable in BBC "reporting" of such issues, the anonymous writer of the story accepts without question that cuts are needed; and he or she fails to report that thousands of scientists do not accept at all that global warming is even happening, let alone that measures are necessary to combat it. What's truly chilling about the report is that, according to the reporter, it seems that this shadowy sub-group possesses the power to implement its recommendations irrespective of the outcome of Copenhagen. Meanwhile in the real world, Anthony Watts continues to report what is happening with the climate: temperatures in the US this fall are continuing toset record lows; and as this year's hurricane season comes to an end, the tally for the storms that Al Gore so confidently and loudly predicted would escalate in numbers is this year? - er, none. Reporting of any of this on the BBC? No.PUSHOVER FOR MILIBAND
>> MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2009
Dynamite! BBC Fails to Notice.
Victim or Villain?
>> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2009
What Griffin’s Question Time also showed was, for lack of a better word, the pusillanimous political correctness of the BBC and its lack of moral courage — something not peculiar to it, but characteristic of most public debate today. Deciding to involve a studio audience and then rigging it, to get the sort of response that’s felt to be right, is a form of moral cowardice and it happens all the time.
Initially the BBC and the chattering classes felt Question Time had cracked it. By exposing Griffin as comparatively inarticulate, nervous and unsophisticated they hoped to destroy him and his party. Instead they turned him into a martyr. Also, by completely subsuming concerns about immigration and identity within the concept of “racism” they closed the debate yet again – and gave many of those people who voted BNP a signal that their worst fears had been justified. Many of the middle ranking, younger cadres in the BNP, unlike Griffin, do not come from the old Tyndall/Webster NF machine with it’s neo nazi fetishism and aryan folk mythology. They will not be able to be baited in the way that Griffin was baited. What will the BBC do then?COPENHAGEN OR BUST
Monday, 26 October 2009
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Britannia Radio