1. NVIC Launches Research Fund To Study Health & Vaccination
NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher, husband Paul Arthur
and Health Advocates
"Show Us the Science and Give Us the Choice" was the rallying cry of the 700 parents and health care workers who traveled from 44 states and 11 nations to attend the groundbreaking Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center Oct. 2-4, 2009. The historic conference featured presentations by more than 40 world experts in the areas of vaccine science, policy, law, and ethics and raised more than $100,000 to launch an international fund raising campaign for scientific research to investigate health differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated children and identify those at risk for suffering vaccine injury. NVIC's Children's Fund for Hope, Health and Healing will raise funds to first create data collection systems and conduct small preliminary studies with a longer term goal of conducting a large 10-year clinical study. The scientific research program will evaluate health outcomes of vaccinated an d unvaccinated individuals; identify potential high risk factors for adverse responses to vaccination; and investigate the biological mechanisms for vaccine injury and death.
Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center
Related Links:
* The New Journalism - Challenging The Status Quo
Jane Bryant, National Vaccine Information Center Conference Speech, United States of America
2. Didcot Child Destroyed By MMR Vaccine
Mother's warning on the MMR vaccine
A MOTHER who claims her son’s autism was worsened by the MMR vaccination has warned parents to think carefully about having the jab. Rosemary Northing, 26, of Didcot, said she was told by health professionals to grieve for the child she had “lost” when her son was diagnosed with autism in July last year. Mrs Northing added: “Kaylan used to be able to say mum, dad, fish and dog — then he had the MMR and he lost everything. Then he started having difficulty walking. He was affected pretty much straightaway — within hours. He became unresponsive when I called his name.” Didcot fundraisers, The Thong Rangers, recently raised more than £2,000 to help Kaylan’s family pay for special equipment and ongoing treatment.
Emily Allen, Herald Series
3. Dr David S Bell MD On ME/CFS XMRV Retrovirus, Lyndonville News
XMRV may "cause" CFS because it allows other agents, (EBV, Lyme, enteroviruses, etc) to be expressed differently. After all, XMRV is a retrovirus, and look at the variations in phenotype in other known human retroviruses. The lymphocytes expressing XMRV were "activated" implying that this agent was not just quietly lurking in cells as some agents do. I would think of XMRV as the "puppet-master". It is known to be linked to prostate cancer; it lurks in the shadows and pulls certain strings causing cells to become malignant. Perhaps it pulls another string to cause EBV to be more active, or Lyme, or enterovirus? Another string to alter RNAse L? Many, many questions open up. The politics of ME/CFS are daunting. But now may be the time to forge ahead and get something done. Congratulations again to the authors and the Whittemores. It is time for the CDC and the NIH to be constructive and do some science. I would like to test the original Lynd onville kids for XMRV, and if any of you reading this became ill in the Lyndonville area around 1985, were 18 or under at the time, and want to be evaluated, please write to me.
Dr David S Bell MD, Lyndonville News, October 2009
Related Links:
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Scienceexpress
* Whittemore Peterson Institute Scientists Discover Significant link between XMRV and ME/CFS
Press Release, Whittemore Peterson Institute - Frankie Vigil, R&R Partners
* Breakthrough Science For M.E. Millions After Decades Of Chronic Abuse And Neglect
Independent Leader & Steve Connor, Science Editor - The Independent
* The New Journalism - Challenging The Status Quo, page 3, The Case Of Ean Proctor
Professor Simon Wessely in Witch Finder General action in the lives of ME/CFS labelled children
Jane Bryant, National Vaccine Information Center Conference Speech, United States of America
4. Your Chances Of Getting UK ESA - The Secret's Out
We finally have statistics which tell us what proportion of claimants get an award of ESA and what proportion who don’t get an award subsequently win on appeal. Overall, the figures are not good – but they’re also not as bad as many in the media and the welfare to work industry had been claiming. They aren’t even as bad as the DWP is now trying to make them out to be, as they crow about “stopping more people getting trapped on long-term sickness benefit”. Just to lighten the mood a little, we have some very happy emails from people who – with a bit of help from Benefits and Work - have won awards of benefits for themselves, their children or other family members. Finally, a gentle reminder: if you haven’t signed the DLA/AA petition on the number 10 website please do pop along and do so at:
Steve Donnison, Benefits & Work (UK)