Recession Will Be ‘Full-Blown Depression’: Strategist
This global recession will turn into a “full-blown depression,” Nicu Harajchi, CEO of N1 Asset Management, said Friday, adding that global stimulus hasn’t come down to Main Street.
• Soros: “There is a General Flight from Currencies”
Max Keiser On JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs Et Al's Fraud

Max Keiser in his prime, discussing whether the crisis is over: "It'd not froth, it's fraud. This is an incredible case of accounting fraud and the American peasants have got to be the stupidest people in the world today: they don't mind becoming peasants, they don't mind living like peasants, and if that's the case, we should do nothing to step them from sliding into a peasant class." And this pearl: "The bankers on Wall Street are the equivalent of suicide bombers in other countries. They threaten to blow themselves up and blow up the economy in exchange for huge bailout money."
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