Saturday, 3 October 2009

A selection of recent media reports

WITH their smiling faces they could easily have been schoolboys playing hide-and-seek. After crawling from underneath a coach the youngsters joked, looking to see if there was another dark hollow above the chassis of a parked vehicle where they could lie undisturbed for a few hours.
Daily Express (03-Oct-2009)

THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants are using sham marriages to stay in the UK after a crackdown was scandalously ruled unlawful, it emerged last night.
Daily Express (03-Oct-2009)

So is David Cameron ruthless enough to save Britain?
Tomorrow in Manchester, the Conservative Party assembles for its final conference before the election. This will almost certainly be the last before it forms Britain's next government, and confronts a challenge at least as great as that faced by Margaret Thatcher in 1979.
Daily Mail (02-Oct-2009)

Sham marriages rocket by 80 per cent
As two people are sentenced to jail for a sham marriage More4 News finds that bogus nuptials are increasing with criminal gangs using them to facilitate illegal immigration.
Channel 4 News (02-Oct-2009)

A NEW map has revealed the shocking levels of immigration in Britain.
Daily Express (02-Oct-2009)

60 quizzed over sham marriages
Sixty people have been arrested and more than 40 are still wanted in connection with a huge investigation into sham marriages to illegal immigrants in the West Midlands, detectives revealed today.
Express and Star (02-Oct-2009)

Bomb hoax closed airport
A scheming asylum seeker has been convicted of making hoax claims of 'dramatic and horrific' terrorist attacks in an attempt to bolster his chances of staying in the country.
Maidenhead Advertiser (02-Oct-2009)

Immigration row at Tiverton restaurant
A TIVERTON restaurant has protested its innocence after two alleged immigration offenders were arrested there on Tuesday. According to the UK Border Agency, who made the arrests at the Saffron restaurant in Bampton Street, one man was working illegally and another was in a flat upstairs.
Mid Devon Star (02-Oct-2009)

Fraudster is jailed for citizenship ceremony scam which included fake Home Secretary
A fraudster who made £200,000 by staging a fake citizenship ceremony has been jailed for four-and-a half years. Xiang Li, 29, hired the Central Hall, Westminster, for £3,000 and decorated it with props including a portrait of the Queen and a Union Flag to dupe his fellow Chinese nationals.
Daily Mail (02-Oct-2009)

Drug factory had plants worth £90,000
A TEENAGE illegal immigrant found living in the midst of a £90,000 Perthshire cannabis factory told detectives he was looking after the grass.
The Courier (02-Oct-2009)

Sham marriage boom after judges rule Home Office crackdown is illegal
Sham marriages are booming after judges relaxed laws designed to prevent them, figures show. The number of illegal immigrants who stage fake ceremonies to stay in the country are likely to top 500 this year, the highest level since 2004.
Daily Mail (02-Oct-2009)

French TV crew facing prosecution over stunt which offered Afghan immigrants as 'pets' to Calais residents
A TV crew in France is facing prosecution after carrying out a stunt offering Calais residents British-bound immigrants to keep as 'domestic pets'. The crew, posing as immigration ministry officials, approached locals in the northern French port with fake Afghan men attached to dog leads.
Daily Mail (01-Oct-2009)

We must fight BNP, not just try to ignore it
Later this month, British National Party leader Nick Griffin will be on the panel of the BBC's Question Time programme. It is a totemic achievement for his political movement and the far-Right in Britain, granting Griffin and the BNP all the dignity of the political mainstream.
Daily Mail (01-Oct-2009)

Has Labour lost the Sun's readers?
The Sun has dropped Labour, but do its readers think the paper is right to now back the...
Guardian Unlimited - G2 (01-Oct-2009)

France: Frontex summer operation was a failure
Operation was intended to catch illegal immigrants off Malta.
European Voice (01-Oct-2009)

France and Germany unite to push Britain to EU sidelines
France and Germany are planning a new treaty of friendship and an array of other joint schemes that could push Britain to the sidelines in Europe, according to sources close to President Sarkozy.
Times Online (01-Oct-2009)

FRANCE has given the green light to a new migrant camp next to a busy motorway truck stop used by hundreds of drivers heading for Britain, it emerged yesterday.
Daily Express (01-Oct-2009)

Losing battle: Riot police destroy Calais migrant camps AGAIN as mayor slams Britain for being unable to control its bor..
As riot police began tearing down another illegal camp in Calais, the French authorities admitted yesterday they are fighting a losing battle against migrants desperate to reach the UK.
Daily Mail (30-Sep-2009)

Day One of the 2010 General Election
This was the speech that signalled the start of the 2010 General Election, in which Gordon Brown chose his battleground for what promises to be a very dirty campaign.
Daily Mail (30-Sep-2009)

FRANCE last night admitted it was fighting a losing battle against illegal migrants and demanded Britain should open its doors to them.
Daily Express (30-Sep-2009)