Illegal bus drivers arrested The Athenians: Another warning from history? UN report calls for 'new deal' for migrant workers Criminals can no longer operate with impunity THE TORIES FACE A MASSIVE TASK WITH BROKEN BRITAIN African migrants seeking UK 'dream' WHY SHALLOW BLAIR MUST NOT LORD IT OVER US ALL AGAIN MELANIE PHILLIPS: If Cameron doesn't stop Blair being shoehorned as EU President, there'll be no point in him becoming B.. ASYLUM SEEKERS BENEFITS CUT BY UP TO 16 PER CENT BY U UK IS TOO SOFT ON MIGRANTS, SAYS ANGRY CALAIS MAYOR Benefits for asylum seekers cut to £5 a day as government abolish higher rate Turkey set to lose in Merkel victory HOW THE FEMININE TOUCH GIVES YOBS FREE REIN How the Baroness flouted tax law on cleanerA selection of recent media reports
Two bus drivers working illegally in Britain were arrested, one in Dartford, by immigration officials after carrying out raids on their depots, the UK Border Agency (UKBA)...
Sheffield Telegraph (05-Oct-2009)
The collapse of Greek democracy 2,400 years ago occurred in circumstances so similar to our own it could be read as a dark and often ignored lesson from the past, a new study...
University of Cambridge (05-Oct-2009)
Governments worldwide should look at changes to their immigration policies with a view to offering a "new deal" to migrant workers whose skills can help spur economic recovery, a UN report said...
Yahoo Uk And Ireland News (05-Oct-2009)
Padlocked and surrounded by high metal fences, at night the building sites around the city are bleak, fortified places characterised by machinery and signs warning people to keep...
The Herald_uk (05-Oct-2009)
DAVID CAMERON'S Conservatives meet in Manchester this week knowing that Britain is beset by the most serious collection of problems it has faced for many...
Daily Express (05-Oct-2009)
Panorama's Paul Kenyon visited a derelict house near the French port of Calais to hear why so many young African migrants remain determined to reach...
BBC News (05-Oct-2009)
THE EU juggernaut grinds on remorselessly, crushing the last gasps of independence from the member nations. Now that the people of Ireland have been bullied and brainwashed into voting for the Lisbon Treaty, the Euro-fanatics plans for a united superstate can be fully...
Daily Express (05-Oct-2009)
By the end of the Tory party conference, which starts today in Manchester, it would come as no surprise to find that Jerusalem had been replaced by the Czech national...
Daily Mail (05-Oct-2009)
ASYLUM seekers face cuts in their support allowances from today but critics insist the changes do not go far...
Sunday Express (05-Oct-2009)
BRITAIN S lax immigration policies and generous welfare system were yesterday blamed for the tide of migrants heading to the UK from...
Daily Express (04-Oct-2009)
Benefit support for asylum seekers is to be cut from tomorrow to £5 a day just over half of what the government says a person needs to live on, according to refugee... (04-Oct-2009)
0 comments Published on 4 Oct 2009 Shock horror: Germany swings to the right and the worlds heartbeat registers scarcely a skip. Sixty years on from the outbreak of the second world war, that could have been the response to last weeks elections in Germany which saw the centre-right take power in a...
The Herald_uk (04-Oct-2009)
WHAT IS going on? Where is the justice? those were the angry questions rightly asked by disabled pensioner Renate Bowling, who was convicted of assault last week after she challenged a youth for yelling abuse and throwing stones at her house in...
Daily Express (04-Oct-2009)
Attorney General Baroness Scotland was last night facing fresh questions over employing an illegal immigrant as her housekeeper. A Mail on Sunday investigation has discovered that Britains most senior lawyer flouted a series of basic...
Daily Mail (03-Oct-2009)
Monday, 5 October 2009
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Britannia Radio