Arrested MP was told he could be jailed for life People should be trusted to see through extremism Immigrant population grows by 2m Immigrants '2m higher' since 2001 Jump in immigrant number since 2001 Owning a cat helped immigrant avoid deportation CAT'S LIFE IN THE UK BBC 'right' to invite BNP leader to appear on Question Time - poll Number of UK immigrants 'up by two million since 2001' Two million immigrants have arrived in UK since 2001 Two million more immigrants since 2001 Immigration 'up two million since 2001' MILLION MIGRANTS ON THE WAY HERE WE HAVE ALL BEEN MISLED LABOUR'S BIGGEST LIE OF ALL IS ABOUT MASS IMMIGRATION How migrant total jumped by three million under Labour You've got a cat? OK, you can stay in Britain, officials tell Bolivian immigrant Our leaders are queuing to prove their virtue by denouncing the vile BNP. But it's they who are to blame for its rise HOW BRITAINS LEAKY BORDERS LET IN 700 MIGRANTS EACH DAY GOT A CAT? OK, YOU CAN STAYA selection of recent media reports
Officers from the Metropolitan Police told an MP that he could go to jail for life if he was found guilty of facilitating leaks from the Home Office. Shadow immigration minister Damian Green gave evidence to a committee of MPs this afternoon about his arrest last... (19-Oct-2009)
The BNP has been allowed to grow like a mushroom in the dark, says Alasdair Palmer
Daily Telegraph (19-Oct-2009)
The number of immigrants in Britain has increased by more than 2million in the past eight years.
Metro (19-Oct-2009)
The number of immigrants in the UK has risen by more than two million since 2001, a report for the Government claims.
Daily Mirror (19-Oct-2009)
The number of immigrants in the UK has increased by more than two million since 2001, according to a Government-commissioned report. Consultancy Oxford Economics pointed to surveys that indicated there were now about...
Liverpool Daily Post (19-Oct-2009)
An immigrant facing deportation from Britain cited ownership of a pet cat with his girlfriend as part of his legal battle to stay in the country, it was revealed...
The Independent (19-Oct-2009)
BRITAIN S pathetic grip on immigration has been fully exposed by a cat. Yes, you read that correctly: a pet cat. As we report on page 24, a Bolivian illegal immigrant who was facing deportation won an appeal because his pet cat proved he had fully settled in this...
Daily Star (19-Oct-2009)
BBC 'right' to invite BNP leader to appear on Question Time - poll Other Communities stories Barnardo's: Councils 'ignoring needs' of prisoners' children Casey: Politicians have 'let people down' on anti-social behaviour Number of UK immigrants 'up by two million since 2001' Classmates to be offered... (19-Oct-2009)
Number of UK immigrants 'up by two million since 2001' Other Local Government stories Children's services chiefs 'paid more than Cabinet minister' 'Baby Peters in every local authority' warning after survey reveals extent of child abuse cases Lib Dems claim victory in Bedford mayor race Tory and Lib Dem... (19-Oct-2009)
The number of immigrants in the UK has increased by more than two million since 2001, according to a government-commissioned report. Consultancy Oxford Economics pointed to surveys that indicated there were now around...
The Herald_uk (19-Oct-2009)
The number of immigrants in the UK has increased by more than two million since 2001, according to a Government-commissioned... (19-Oct-2009)
The number of immigrants in the UK has increased by more than two million since 2001, according to a Government...
Yahoo Uk And Ireland News (19-Oct-2009)
ONE million immigrants will come to Britain during the next five years and could cripple our economy, a group of senior MPs has warned. A separate Government report says the immigrant population has increased by more than 2million since 2001, with nearly 700 new arrivals every...
Daily Star (19-Oct-2009)
The latest immigration figures show just how little the Government has done to control the situation and just how much it has done to obscure...
Daily Express (19-Oct-2009)
JOSEF GOEBBELS, the sinister chief of Nazi propaganda, wrote: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the political and economic consequences of the lie. Those words apply exactly to..
Daily Express (19-Oct-2009)
The number of migrants who have come to Britain over the past eight years has reached 2.3million, according to a Whitehall estimate. This brings the total to around three million since Labour came to power in...
Daily Mail (19-Oct-2009)
It may have been one of the least plausible attempts to avoid deportation - but it worked. A Bolivian immigrant has won his fight to remain in Britain because he and his girlfriend have a pet...
Daily Mail (19-Oct-2009)
The participation on this Thursday's Question Time of the British National Party leader Nick Griffin is a priceless publicity coup for his party. From the commotion this is causing, a casual observer might imagine that Griffin is the pivotal figure in British political...
Daily Mail (19-Oct-2009)
THE number of immigrants in Britain has almost doubled under Labour, according to a Government...
Sunday Express (19-Oct-2009)
A JUDGES decision to let an illegal immigrant stay in Britain because he had a cat to look after caused outrage last...
Sunday Express (19-Oct-2009)
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
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Britannia Radio