The public concern about immigration France migrant policy criticised Home Office offers failed asylum seekers cash to return to Zimbabwe UK plans Zimbabwe asylum removals To treat or not to treat? Cap immigration call by MP The real 'political purpose' behind immigration - gerrymandering Labour's election results Kuwait court rejects bid to unseat non-Hijab MPs GMB Slams Immigration Advisory Service Over Threats To Close Four Offices Sacking 80 Workers Immigration links to carbon problem One More Trip on the Immigration Merry-Go-Round Migrant crime cover-up row MASS IMMIGRATION COVER-UP EXPOSED EXPOSED: LABOUR'S LIES ON MIGRANTS Migrant report 'censored' Labour think-tank 'airbrushed link between migrants and crime in immigration report for Blair' Blair's think tank airbrushed link between crime and immigrants Simon Carr: Nothing is as it seems in the elliptical world of immigration ANGER AT £120,000 PRIVATE PLANE TO DEPORT 8 AFGHANS Trying to stuff the cat back into the bagA selection of recent media reports
England is being changed fundamentally by large-scale immigration
The Times (29-Oct-2009)
Emma Jane Kirby BBC News, Paris France's system of detaining and deporting unaccompanied migrant children flown into Paris has been criticised in a damning new...
BBC News (29-Oct-2009)
Government threatens to begin forcibly returning those who turn down sweetened voluntary repatriation...
U TV (29-Oct-2009)
The Home Office has announced it wants to resume the removal of failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers. Immigration minister Phil Woolas said the ground was being cleared to start enforced returns "as and when the political situation develops".
Southern Counties (29-Oct-2009)
What happens when migrants cant pay for treatment? asks Adam...
New Law Journal (29-Oct-2009)
THE projected population rise to over 70 million is dangerously unsustainable and would equate to an extra 15,000 people on the Isle of Wight, Island MP Andrew Turner has...
Isle of Wight County Press (29-Oct-2009)
One approach politicians have to getting a majority of us to vote for them is to split us up into interest groups. Their idea is that with enough grievance mongering among enough minority groups eventually a coalition will be formed that can provide a...
Daily Mail (28-Oct-2009)
Kuwait's constitutional court on Wednesday rejected an action brought by four voters to declare invalid the election of two women MPs because they refuse to wear the hijab...
Yahoo Uk And Ireland News (28-Oct-2009)
There is no redundancy situation at IAS say...
GMB (28-Oct-2009)
SIR While welcoming Councillor Liz Tuckers letter We need to cut our carbon missions, of October 14, its meaningless. If Coun Tucker really thought our carbon emissions and consumption of the worlds resources was unsustainable, she would be enraged at the millions of people being poured into our...
Worcester News (28-Oct-2009)
This post on immigration prompted a pair of excellent, Chestertonian responses that merit a response. First, Carroll Barry-Walsh writes: Of course, it's the type of people we let in because there is a difference between letting in people who share our values, who want to - and take positive steps to..
The Spectator (28-Oct-2009)
A REPORT linking immigration to crime was censored by Labour, it was claimed last...
Online Sun (28-Oct-2009)
THE number of foreigners flocking to Britain has leapt by 50% in six years, say shock new figures. And furious critics claim Ministers have been secretly encouraging people to move...
Daily Star (28-Oct-2009)
LABOURS attempts to hide the truth about mass immigration were dramatically exposed yesterday when it emerged warnings of rising crime as a result of its policy were airbrushed from an official...
Sunday Express (28-Oct-2009)
THE Government has come under fire after it emerged possible links between mass immigration and crime were censored in a...
Online Sun (27-Oct-2009)
Concerns about possible links between mass immigration and crime were removed from a Government immigration policy document, it was revealed today. Initial drafts of the controversial Cabinet Office report noted that there was a risk that organised criminals could exploit a rise in...
Daily Mail (27-Oct-2009)
Possible links between mass immigration and some crimes were censored from a keynote government report, the Standard can...
Evening Standard (27-Oct-2009)
Home Office questions. It must be said that Alan Johnson doesn't look as hopeless as he keeps saying he is. "Vote for me! I haven't got the desire, the talent, the confidence for the job!" Maybe it's a more cunning plan than we...
The Independent (27-Oct-2009)
A PRIVATE jet chartered to deport failed asylum seekers from the UK cost taxpayers £15,000 per passenger, it was revealed last...
Sunday Express (27-Oct-2009)
In the Daily Mail, I have written about the amazing revelation in last Fridays Evening Standard by Andrew Neather, a former speechwriter to various Labour ministers, that the government had not only deliberately encouraged mass immigration to Britain in order to destroy its identity and transform it..
The Spectator (27-Oct-2009)
Thursday, 29 October 2009
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Britannia Radio