Thursday, 22 October 2009
Strange man Mr Warner! On a couple of occasions I’ve laid into him for sloppy thinking. Then he surprises all by hitting the nail squarely on the head as here!
TELEGRAPH 22.10.09
Is Labour setting us up for the next crisis? King thinks so
Lord Myners, the City minister, must have been listening to Mervyn King give a different speech on Tuesday night than everyone else. Either that, or he dozed off during the salient bits, for his insistence in various television interviews yesterday that there was basically no difference between what the Governor was saying and the Government's own position on banking reform is impossible to reconcile with what Mr King actually said. [or what Brown-Darling have said since! -cs]
By Jeremy Warner
On the evidence of the speech, Mr King is shaping up to be the most political Bank of England governor since Lord Cromer, who famously kicked against Harold Wilson's spending plans in the 1960s. I doubt Mr King meant to attack the Government. In fact, I'm sure he didn't, but it is hardly the first time he has rubbed his political masters up the wrong way.
Whatever Lord Myners chose to hear, the rest of us clearly understood the Governor to mean that the reform agenda was too timid, failed to deal with the "too big to fail" issue, and worse, threatened a more damaging crisis at some stage in the future.
Lord Myners reckoned the Governor was with the Treasury in ruling out a Glass-Steagall like separation of utility and investment banking. In fact, Mr King said the reverse. "There are those that claim such proposals are impractical," he said, before adding: "It is hard to see why." The case for a serious review of how the banking industry is structured, he concluded, is strong. Obviously he doesn't count Lord Turner's already conducted review, and the Government's own White Paper on the issue, as "serious".
In any case, Paul Volcker, Mr King, Lord Lawson, John Kay, Terry Smith, Anthony Bolton, your very own lance corporal Warner, uncle Tom Cobley and all have now pronounced themselves in favour of Glass-Steagall.
The only ones left opposing it are the Treasury departments of the US and the UK, Britain's Financial Services Authority, and a powerful self interested lobby of "too big to fail" international banks. The banks have managed to convince policy-makers that to reimpose Glass-Steagall would be to return finance to the stone age.
Evidence for this contention is not exactly overwhelming. What is wanted from banking is stability – today's universal banking goliaths have self evidently failed to deliver it. That doesn't mean Mr King is wholly right in his analysis. Treasury officials were again active yesterday in accusing him of living in some kind of intellectual bubble, of proposing economically optimal and eloquent solutions in oblivious disregard for the practical difficulties of implementing them.
Reversing more than 20 years of deregulation and globalisation in banking, which is essentially what's advocated here, would be an awesomely complicated process – like taking the Big Bang reforms of the 1980s and multiplying them by a hundred.
Yet, there is no doubting the intellectual appeal of Mr King's ideas. The problem he addresses is that of banks whose trading and international activities have reached a size which dwarfs the capacity of national governments to underwrite them.
Such banks, of which Britain has a disproportionate number, cannot be allowed to fail because of the damage that would do to the domestic payments system. Yet in attempting to rescue them by guaranteeing their liabilities, national governments threaten their own solvency as well as making taxpayers liable for the folly of greedy bankers.
What's more, by doing so, governments only further encourage the bankers to misbehave, as bankers know that whatever they do, they are insured against loss. Mr King worries that this is precisely what is happening now, with financial markets again away to the races even in the absence of a sustainable economic recovery.
If trading books and perhaps international operations were separated into different legal entities, the problem in theory goes away. Mr King suggests that much of the G20 reform agenda is fine as far as it goes, but however much capital is required as a cushion against trouble, it doesn't address the underlying problem of what happens when one of these banking goliaths recklessly eats through the nest egg and threatens to collapse.
Glass-Steagall, it is often said in defence of the present, compromised reform agenda, would not have prevented Northern Rock nor would it have stopped Lehman Brothers. I beg to differ. By the time it went under, the Rock could in no way be described as a narrow utility bank. Its extensive use of wholesale funding and securitisation made it more like an investment bank, or giant hedge fund, with a tiny little retail banking operation tacked on the side.
As for Lehman Brothers, the collapse only created such mayhem because many of the counterparties were the trading operations of big utility banks. If they had been banned from such activities, Lehman Brothers would never have become systemically important in the first place.
As I say, intellectually it is hard if not impossible to fault Mr King's argument – except perhaps on one level. The real mischief in this crisis was not so much the greed and hubris of bankers, though they gleefully played the pivotal role, as a decade or more of loose money. Making apparently limitless quantities of cheap money available to bankers is like giving naughty schoolchildren the keys to the tuck shop – they will inevitably gorge themselves until sick.
In this regard, central bankers such as Mr King were as complicit as Mr Brown's government, though perhaps unavoidably so, as to have leaned against the credit and asset price bubbles with higher interest rates would have been to induce a recession.
The Bank needs better tools if it is to play its proper role in preventing future crises. That may have been the subtext of this most political of speeches, for the Tories seem minded to give them. The Government does not.
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Britannia Radio