Sunday, 4 October 2009


Equality Before the Law?

Government of Lawyers : Equality Before the Law?

Sunday Sleaze
harriet_carAnother Labour minister and QC thinks the laws are for other people. Harman was on the mobile when she crashed into a parked car without stopping to leave her details. Under the 1988 Road Traffic Act, any driver involved in a collision with another vehicle is required by law to stop and give their name and address, as well as details of the vehicle’s owner and the vehicle’s registration.  Not exactly Chappaquidick Bridge, but that she drove off telling a witness ‘I’m Harriet Harman – you know where you can get me…’ is a little high-handed…

target-baronessThe other Labour minister and QC in legal difficulties is the Attorney General, Baroness Scotland. She is now accused of flouting the tax 


Saturday Seven Up

7upIf you were not one of the 69,296 visitors viewing 520,015 blog pages over the last seven days, here are the seven most popular stories that you missed:

  1. Brown’s “Gulags for Slags” Policy Taken from BNP
    Not content with British Jobs for British Workers he nicks another BNP policy.
  2. Psycho Gordon
    Over 100,000 watched this video this week, which is more than have watched all of Downing Street’s YouTube output for the last three months (apart from the one with the Diversity kid falling on his head).
  3. A Story You Won’t Get from the BBC, Guardian or The Times The Secret of Three of Westminster’s Media Gate-keepers
    This story is from 2008, read it to see why it was the third most popular story on the blog this week.
    Comments closed
  4. Live Blogging of the Speech
    2275 co-conspirators gave their views on Gordon’s speech in realtime
  5. The Cracking Up Will Be Televised
    The interview with Gordon on Sky that provoked more Prime Mentalist headlines.
    645 Comment
  6. Friday Caption Competition 
    Another corker.
  7. Marr Asks : Are You Taking Pills? 
    Sunday mornings don’t get much better this… go on watch his face again.385 Comments