There Is No Recovery A Financial Revolution with Profound Political Implications UN Calls For New Reserve Currency The Demise of the Dollar Ditching the Dollar Dollar Hysteria There Is No Recovery Dow Will Fall To 6,300 By Year End: Portfolio Manager Marx and Lenin Revisited Turkish police battle IMF protesters in Istanbul: Turkish police used water cannon, tear gas and pepper spray today to disperse hundreds of demonstrators protesting against the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Dollar falls on oil plan report: The dollar has fallen following a report that Gulf states are in secret talks to replace the greenback as the main currency for the trading of oil. Saudi Bank Governor Denies Talks to Replace Dollar : Saudi Arabia hasn’t held talks with China and other countries on dropping the dollar as the currency for pricing oil, Saudi Central Bank Governor Muhammad al-Jasser said, denying a report in the U.K.’s Independent newspaper. Lawyers scarce for poor facing foreclosure: The nation's foreclosure crisis has swamped lawyers for the poor, leaving thousands of low-income homeowners across the country without legal assistance that could save their homes. U.S. Apartment Vacancies Hit 23-Year High of 7.8% : Job losses and falling wages are shrinking the pool of potential tenants. The U.S. unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September, the highest since 1983, the Labor Department said Oct. 2. Retail sales to show slump may persist: "If last year was a socks-and-underwear Christmas, I think this year is going to be even tougher," Edwards said.
Video Interview With Peter Schiff
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By Robert Fisk
The plan to de-dollarise the oil market, discussed both in public and in secret for at least two years and widely denied yesterday by the usual suspects – Saudi Arabia being, as expected, the first among them – reflects a growing resentment in the Middle East, Europe and in China at America's decades-long political as well as economic world dominance. Continue
The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the "privilege" of building a huge trade deficit.Continue
By Robert Fisk
In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading. Continue
An Interview With Robert Fisk
Al Jazeera has this exclusive interview with Robert Fisk and Steven King, chief economist from the HSBC Group. Continue
By Mike Whitney
Yes, the dollar will fall, (eventually) but not for the reasons that most people think. Continue
Video Interview With Peter Schiff
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“I think we go below the double dip,” Lekas told CNBC. “By year-end, we drop below 6,300 on the Dow and by 2011, we’re at 4,200.” Continue
By Paul Craig Roberts
If Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin were alive today, they would be leading contenders for the Nobel Prize in economics. Continue
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
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Britannia Radio