Thursday, 29 October 2009
This ‘rescue’ of Northern Rock gets more expensive by the day. Brown-Darling will trumpet the rescue but try to hide the £8bn extra state funds to be pumped in [not mentioned here but lower down on the same page! ], as well as the taxpayer being lumbered with uncounted billions of bad debts in the ‘Wreck’ / ‘bad’ bank.
As for what’s to come with RBS and Lloyds I shudder to think. About the only people licking their lips will be Barclays!
This Dutch lady may be dishing out unpleasant medicine all round but at least I get the feeling that in the financial world we are lucky that this particular job is filled by someone who knows what she's talking about
TELEGRAPH 28.10.09
Where Gordon Brown feared to tread, Kroes is ready to trample
Call it the Neelie Kroes effect. Europe’s Competition Commissioner hasn’t even mentioned Lloyds Banking Group or Royal Bank of Scotland yet. But the market’s not hanging around for Steelie Neelie to do her worst.
By Alistair Osborne
It’s lopped 16.6pc off Lloyds shares in the past three days – potentially kyboshing its proposed £11bn rights issue – and 15.7pc off RBS. Even allowing for the 3pc fall in the FTSE over the period, it’s amazing what a raised Dutch eyebrow can do.
Bit by bit, it’s dawning on the markets just how nasty Kroes’s medicine may be for weaning Europe’s bailed-out banks off their sugar lumps of state aid. On Monday, it was the turn of ING, the bank from Kroes’s homeland, to reveal that the price for €10bn (£9bn) of assistance from The Hague was the enforced split of its banking and insurance arms. Yesterday, she turned her attention to Northern Rock, the bank that signalled the crisis here when customers snaked round its branches.
Kroes’s price for allowing the Government to split Northern into a good and bad bank – a Rockand a Wreck – was, she stressed, a “significant reduction of its market presence”. The bank’s loan book is being cut from £100bn pre-crisis to just £20bn to ensure that banks that enjoyed state support should not have “an unfair competitive advantage”.
Any read-across from ING or Northern Rock to Lloyds and RBS is an inexact science. But one thing is clearer by the day. Where Gordon Brown feared to tread, Kroes is ready to trample.
Nowhere is this more ironic than with Lloyds Banking Group, the company formed from mating a sleek black horse with HBOS’s bucking bronco. Galloping Gordon Brown was ready to flatten all the usual competition hurdles to drive this deal through, convincing [Ahem? ‘arm-twisting’ more like -cs] Lloyds’s now fallen jockey – ex-chairman Sir Victor Blank – that his reward for bailing out HBOS would be untold pastures of the UK mortgage market: an unprecedented 30pc.
That promise, like so many of Gordon’s, looks like turning out to be not worth the paper it was never written on. Kroes is likely to demand Lloyds sells mortgage subsidiary Cheltenham & Gloucester and, north of the border, its 200-branch TSB Scotland arm. RBS faces the forced sale of 312 branches in England and its NatWest branches in Scotland. Putting the banks’ English and Scottish cast-offs together could create two new players in the market.
Such upheaval may be of little succour to the taxpayer – not least when we face a 10-year wait to recoup the £27bn pumped into Northern Rock alone. The Government would have more chance of maximising value from its 43pc stake in Lloyds and 70pc in RBS if Kroes allowed the banks to keep their dominant positions.
But that’s a short-termist view. Our [Our ? - Eh? -cs] Dutch commissioner is right to insist on break-ups and the creation of new market entrants because one cause of the crisis was a lack of competition – a market carve-up between a handful of banks all considered too big to fail. Avoiding a re-run of that must be the priority. Indeed, as Kroes doesn’t need to point out, it would be double-Dutch to argue the opposite.
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