Tories Warn of British Backlash to Blair ‘Presidency’ 'William Hague warns European leaders today to expect a backlash if they make Tony Blair the first president of Europe. The Shadow Foreign Secretary told The Times: “There could be no worse way to sell the EU to the people of Britain.” He dangled the prospect of a referendum in Britain to take back powers from Brussels, even if a “yes” vote in the Irish Republic leads to the rapid ratification of the Lisbon treaty. He also indicated that the Conservatives would use a Blair presidency to mobilise opposition in such a vote on Britain’s relationship with Europe.' ‘TARP’ Turning Out to Be Largest Taxpayer Swindle in U.S. History 'Congress and the White House have been busy lately patting themselves on the back for staving off financial armageddon by handing out taxpayer money to Wall Street like it was Halloween candy. But while they’re trumpeting the fact that some financial firms have returned a tiny portion of the trillions of dollars that were given to banks, reality is setting in that Americans will never see that money again and will be paying it off for many, many years to come. APF: License? We Don’t Need No Stinking License! 'The one conclusion I’m drawing from all this is that “American Police Force” is a scam of epic proportions. If, in fact, there is some larger entity driving this company from behind the scenes, it appears (at least to this observer) that they are an utterly incompetent, motley crew of bumbling con artists that may (at best) inspire an interesting screenplay along the lines of a low-budget “Ocean’s 11”….except with a very ugly cast.' Government Riots Against The Public 'The totalitarian and privatized forces of this illegal government occupation are rising, in attacks against and upon the public, using the excuse of public demonstrations by the people to attack and crush any form of protest by people against the oppression and dictatorship that 'The State' has now become during this first decade of the New Millennium.'
Saturday, 3 October 2009
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Britannia Radio