Wednesday, 14th October 2009
The Tory response to the BNP
The Times reports today that the Tories are fielding Baroness Warsi to take on the BNP leader Nick Griffin on next week’s edition of BBC TV’s Question Time. I wish her luck. However, for my money the shrewdest comment on this so far has been made by reader 'Bob Smith' on this New Statesman thread below a post by Mehdi Hassan, who expressed himself delighted by the Warsi pick:
'Bob Smith': It is in fact those very white, middle-class, middle-aged English people who need to speak up against the BNP. Naturally Muslims would be offended by Nick Griffin. It is white English people who need to stand up and say, ‘not in my name’. As it happens, the author is wrong. Griffin needs to hear from ‘his people’ as he might characterise
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
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Britannia Radio