Wednesday, October 28, 2009
china confidential
Japanese Automakers Set Records in China
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Is Turkey Turning Against the West?

Euronews reports:
Some commentators are asking whether there may be a shift underway in Turkey’s foreign policy. At a meeting in Turkey last year between the Iranian and Turkish presidents, Ankara made it clear it wanted to improve bilateral relations. The Turkish president was quoted as saying their ties are based on their beliefs, culture and deep historical roots.
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Iran Dragging Out Nuclear Negotiations

The network reported the development Tuesday saying the comments were made by unnamed officials with ties to Iran's nuclear negotiating team. The network also says Iran will offer its formal response to the UN proposal "within 48 hours."
The proposal from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would require Iran to send its uranium abroad for low-level enrichment. The plan is aimed at preventing Iran from enriching uranium to the point that it can be used for nuclear weapons.
In the meantime, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran will continue its nuclear program. He says when an "illegal regime" has nuclear weapons, it is impossible for other countries to be denied the right to have "peaceful nuclear energy."
Reference to Israel
Ahmadinejad's comments Tuesday were an apparent reference to Israel. He made the remarks while meeting with visiting Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has voiced support for Iran's nuclear program.
Elsewhere, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has expressed frustration with the pace of negotiations with Iran. Tuesday, he accused Tehran of using delay tactics.
China Confidential analysts agree. Iran will play with words, they predict, in order to play for time.
There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of Islamist Iran. Regime change is the only alternative to potentially catastrophic conflict.