Saturday, 28 November 2009


The former Conservative peer Lord Pearson has been elected the new leader of the UK Independence Party (Ukip). In his victory speech, Lord Pearson outlined ambitions to win enough support to force a hung Parliament in next year's general election. Lord Pearson discusses his strategy.

Latest News

Putting Country before Party

Saturday, 28th November 2009

UKIP’s new leader today reiterated the Party’s position when it comes to electoral deals. Malcolm Pearson said, “Of course we will do deals. If we could get a written guarantee of a referendum on our relationship with a post-Lisbon European Union, then it would the right thing to... More

UKIP Veterans' Support fundraiser

Saturday, 28th November 2009

The UKIP Military Veterans Support Group is holding a wine tasting and drinks fundraising event in honour of the great service our Military personnel has provided in the Afghanistan War. More

Lord Pearson new UKIP leader

Saturday, 28th November 2009

Lord Pearson of Rannoch has been announced as the new leader of UKIP following the results of the Party members' ballot. More