As a fervent Scot, and son of the manse, Gordon Brown hates Britain's past; anything to do with the empire and with colonialism, especially. So, of course, does the BBC, which leaps at any opportunity to denigrate British achievements. The government's absurd and patronising decision to "apologise" for the way children from broken homes were sent to Australia and elsewhere in the Commonwealth to start new lives is thus naturally front page BBC news this morning. Yes, some of these children were badly treated, and it is deeply sad and regrettable that they were. But standards of childcare, and understanding of childcare issues, were very different then. The idea of "apologising" for what happened is preposterous and nauseating. Nice to see the BBC running every possible allegation against our Armed Forces when in Iraq. It suits their narrative and plays to the BBC meme that regardless of their sacrifice, you just cannot trust the British Army. Muslims are unhappy and Brits must pay. The "darker side" to the British Army allegations that the BBC loves to run sickens me. Are you content with how the BBC presents this
>> SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2009
What's next? A grovelling apology to Oz for James Cook landing there in the first place? Or to Spain, for beating them in the Armada, thereby postponing the colonisation of British fishing grounds by Spanish fishermen for four hundred years?
Would that this Prime Minister (and the BBC) would focus instead on issues that really matter. How long will it be before one of his successors will be forced to "apologise" for his headlong, wreckless rush towards causing fuel poverty for millions by his fervent belief in global warming? And for wrecking British social fabric and culture by encouraging unrestrained immigration?THE WAR ON OUR ARMED FORCES
Sunday, 15 November 2009
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Britannia Radio