As US Debt Tops $12 Trillion, Obama Calls for Austerity Satire Hoodwinked Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science : In the case of “Climate Change”, the MSM has been caught with its trousers down. The reason it has been so ill-equipped to report on this scandal is because almost all of its Environmental Correspondents and Environmental Editors are parti pris members of the Climate-Fear Promotion lobby Jobless Rate Up in 29 States, Hitting Records in 4 of Them: Joblessness rose in 29 states last month compared with 22 in September, the agency said in a monthly state breakdown. Michigan had the highest jobless rate at 15.1 percent, followed by Nevada at 13 percent and Rhode Island at 12.9 percent. California Was Among States With Record Unemployment: : Joblessness rose in 29 U.S. states last month compared with 22 in September, the Labor Department said today in Washington. Michigan had the highest jobless rate at 15.1 percent, followed by Nevada at 13 percent and Rhode Island at 12.9 percent. The worst is yet to come: Unemployed Americans should hunker down for more job losses: Think the worst is over? Wrong. Conditions in the U.S. labor markets are awful and worsening. While the official unemployment rate is already 10.2% and another 200,000 jobs were lost in October, when you include discouraged workers and partially employed workers the figure is a whopping 17.5%. Shareholders demand Goldman bonuses: Investment bank under fire again as investors protest at record bonuses of $717,000 each
By Bill Van Auken
That the US debt is unsustainable is beyond question. According to the Treasury Department, Washington was compelled to pay $383 billion over the course of the last fiscal year just in interest on the public debt. Given that total revenues from individual federal income taxes amount to $904 billion, 40 cents out of every dollar paid by US taxpayers is going to service the debt.Continue
U.S. Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt
Video By The Onion
Congress says that with no way to actually pay back our debts, faking a coup to eliminate financial obligations is the best plan for the U.S. economy. Continue
Economic Meltdown -- A Call for Systemic Change
By John Perkins
We have been hoodwinked into believing that a mutant form of capitalism espoused by Milton Friedman and promoted by President Reagan and every president since - one that has resulted in a world where less than 5% of us (in the United States) consume more than 25% of the resources and nearly half the rest live in poverty - is acceptable. Continue
Monday, 23 November 2009
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Britannia Radio