Thursday, 5 November 2009

They've shoved the White Flag Up everyones BACKSIDE

Britain's Quisling party


So now we finally have the unequivocal answer to the question some of us have been insistently asking: what is the point of the Conservative party? The answer is, bleakly, there is none.

There is today one overwhelmingly important issue of issues, the meta-issue without the resolution of which it is pointless to address any other issue. It is the issue of whether the United Kingdom is to continue as a sovereign nation able to govern itself in accordance with its own laws, culture and traditions or not. The Lisbon constitutional treaty which, with the Czech Republic’s agonised capitulation, has now been ratified by every member of the EU does away with the sovereignty of member nations that it has been steadily eroding for so many years in pursuit of the goal of creating a European super-state.

This anti-democratic entity, this chimaera, the bureaucratic regime of Euroland, has now come into being. The big question for the conservative leader David Cameron is what he is going to do to restore Britain’s power to govern itself. Yesterday we had the tragic answer. He will do nothing that will have the slightest effect. His announcement that he would not hold a referendum on the Lisbon treaty because it had now passed into law was not the issue. Of course it is pointless holding a referendum on a treaty which is no longer blockable. The real point is that, since it has now been passed and thus subsumed Britain’s ability to govern itself as a sovereign nation into the new republic of Euroland without the people having been consulted about the loss of their ability to govern themselves, the people must now be given the opportunity to say whether they wish to remain in the EU or not.

Cameron did not ofer them this opportunity. Instead he came up with a set of risibly weak proposals. He intends to repatriate powers from Brussels to Westminster. Really? How? What leverage will he have to bring back any powers at all from a body to which this country has now surrendered its sovereignty?  He said he would

seek to pass a UK sovereignty Bill ‘to make it clear that ultimate authority stays in this country, in our Parliament’.

But such a bill would be an absolutely pointless gesture because ultimate authority would have been passed to the EU. And even more ludicrous, he promised that ‘never again’ would Britain give away such powers without a referendum. Doesn’t he get it? There won’t be any more powers now to give away.

It is hard to think of a more craven, pathetic spectacle than David Cameron’s performance yesterday. Faced with the greatest single test of his statesmanship, he flunked it and ran up the white flag instead. He put his own political interests in keeping his party together above those of the nation.

As a result, he has made himself and his party irrelevant. He may well win the next general election by default because of the collapse of the Labour government. But what is the point of any of them now, since they will have no more power than Westminster regional council in the republic of Euroland?