THE TRUTH ABOUT EUROPE HOW THE EU IS DESTROYING THE UK’s MANUFACTURING BASE (Some examples …………….) Coal & Steel – Both in terminal decline – a direct result of massive subsidies to companies in other EU states. Subsidies are illegal under EU law. Other countries ignore the law while the UK rigorously enforces it. Under Single Market rules subsidised EU coal & steel floods our markets causing widespread job losses. Now remaining British coal companies would gladly give their coal away for the £3.5 billion subsidy paid to German coal! Money from the EU was actually used for redundancy payments, paving the way for the destruction of jobs within these industries. (ie – UK taxpayers money! – Buying off British jobs!) Textiles – To protect 5000 French jobs President Chirac pushed the EU to impose heavy import duties on unfinished imported cotton. Now UK and EU Textiles firms can’t compete with finished cotton imports, threatening 2,500,000 jobs in the EU! Several UK factories have already closed. The tariff was removed because of the damage it was doing but France demanded its re-imposition. The EU refused – But Commission President Jacques Santer (a Frenchman – need it be said?) totally ignored the EU decision and re-imposed the tariff!! Agriculture – This industry is so dependent on EU subsidies that removal would cause heavy losses for UK farmers. Rules, regulations, quotas, subsidies, set aside etc. have turned our farmers from independence to subservience to the EU. Paid in “Green Pounds” (an agricultural ’single currency’) farmers income fell 22.4% (for some nearer to 50%) in 1997 as a result of other weak EU currencies (or a “strong pound” as the EU prefers it to be phrased!). 80% of subsidies go to only 20% of farmers. Yet the UK imports food at higher prices than on world markets, very often food we could even produce ourselves if not for EU rules! Cost to the average UK family? – £28 per week extra on food bills! Art and Antiques – EU ‘Droite a Suite’ laws (4% of art sales taxed as royalties to artist or heirs) forced on the UK. Result? – a) New York and Geneva replace London Art Houses threatening tens of thousands of jobs & £2 billion a year foreign earnings. b) Few Art sales where this tax exists! c) Lawyers for dead artist’s estates cream off the money. When EU Commissioners forced 2.5% VAT on Art sales it caused a 40% fall in British trade. Now they threaten legal action to impose 17.5% VAT (what do they care? – no other EU country had anything like Britain’s Art Trade!). SMALL BUSINESSES ARE THE UK’s MANUFACTURING BASE Fishing – Mostly small businesses – now mostly on the dole! Facing massive fines for minor “criminal offences” under the EU Common Fisheries Policy; unable to pay for a vast array of new rules; helpless to prevent fish depletion (from what used to be UK waters) by other far less stringently policed EU fishing states. This UK Industry is at its last gasp. Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick Makers – In every industry the picture is the same. EU law enforcement pushes small traders out of business; much larger firms soak up trade and keep retail prices sky high. Directors of some large firms get rich at the expense of our national economy. Small and medium sized industrial growth is in jeopardy. UK firms pay huge sums for ‘CE’ (EU) standards in good faith. Then they find they must pay all over again when other EU countries refuse to accept them. Yet the UK lets in all ‘CE’ marked products without question! In 1973 the UK left EFTA to join the “Common Market”. By 1994 every member of EFTA was richer than every member of the EU. In 1973 the UK was the third richest “Common Market” country – by 1996 it was the fourth poorest. The EU – Saboteurs of UK Industry 3 DEADLY DIRECTIVES a) Packaging Waste, 94/62 – (Waste monitoring) Official estimated cost: £1,000,000,000 every year. b) Recreational Craft, 94/25 – (50 new “safety” standards) Most small boat-builders put out of business and 15% price increases. c) Construction Sites, 92/57 – (Massive bureaucratic “promotion” of safety) Official estimated cost: £573,000,000 every year. This leaflet (1 of a series of 12) is a rare chance for people to learn something of – TOYNBEE THE FABIAN!! EUROPEAN UNION COMING FROM? ………. GOING WHERE? “We are working discreetly …….. and all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands” Arnold Toynbee – Historical researcher and founding father of the EU European politicians peddle enthusiasm for the EU by not telling the truth about it to their electors. In 1947 Peter Thorneycroft (later Lord and Chairman of the Conservative Party) said “The British People must be led slowly and unconsciously into an abandonment of their traditional economic defences, not asked……..” Like Arnold Toynbee above and politicians over Europe since, this shows a contempt, disregard for and complete distrust of democracy. (Why politicians might do this is an issue for another TEC leaflet). A European Union built on lies and deceit making the world less stable. 1930’s fascists Hitler and Mosley had “Europe A Nation” as their slogan. Hitler, once elected with the support of such people, transfered power to himself through emergency laws designed to bypass the German Parliament. And Now……….. Today National and European Parliaments are bypassed in the same way by the unelected officials of the EU Commission and EU bureaucrats. EU Treaties signed so far give unelected EU Commissioners absolute power to rule Britain by directive and regulation which our Parliament is Treaty bound to pass into British law – and powerless to oppose! Likewise subsidies and protectionism of EU Corporate industry is commonplace. Alone in the EU British politicians are in a state of denial as to what is actually happening. Their re-assuring messages to the British public are widely publicised at home – and ridiculed in the rest of Europe! Abolition of border controls and duty free goods (estimated costs of which will completely wipe out a single currency’s only economic advantage – reduced money handling charges) is needed for the Euro-State to develop. After the war America supported the EEC for political reasons. They pushed the British Government to sacrifice British, Commonwealth and EFTA interests and to apply for EU membership. Today it is clear the EU is not very USA-friendly and some Americans are beginning to see things quite differently. (See quote below.) From the Romans, through Charlemagne, Napolean and Hitler, this recurring dream – turning into a nightmare ——————————————————————————– DOES THE USA REGRET PUSHING US IN? Quote: “How can you let a country with a great history for 20 generations, disappear as a province of a bureaucratic Euro-State run by Helmut Kohl? I don’t understand what is wrong with you!” SOME FACTS: The European Union only admits spending £200 million pounds a year on propaganda. EU grants are given on condition that the EU is well publicised, (i.e flying the European flag prominently or by high levels of publicity given in local and regional newspapers etc). UK share of admitted propaganda spending is £20,000,000. We also give large sums to the EU propaganda unit- The European Movement. The EU pays 5% of production costs of TV soaps, game shows and other “Audio-Visuals” if they use a “Euro-friendly” plot. (TV series `Highlander`, made by French company Gaumont, was amongst first to benefit.) Hundreds of Economists, Heads of Associations, Journalists, etc. are paid £200 a time for lectures …. but only for giving the EU point of view. (An Austrian Minister was actually forced to resign for accepting such bribes!) Every school and learning establishment in the EU has masses of glossy,very expensively produced EU literature thrown at them to use in school projects and research. Even children in infant Schools are given EU colouring books which entice them to “Let’s Draw Europe Together”!! Such “Educational and Informational” material alone costs hundreds of millions every year. Hundreds of Offices manned by many thousands of staff all over the EU distribute free EU literature and information and assist Mobile Units visiting schools, universities and public places for the purposes of “dissemination of information about the EU” – (i.e. EU propaganda). Many hundreds of journalists based at EU headquarters double and treble their incomes by taking on the work of writing reports and other forms of `moonlighting` for various parts of the EU bureaucracy. Millions of full colour newspapers are distributed free to homes “celebrating” the European Union and our “deep attachment to European Construction”. Such “Euro-speak” language reminiscent of the Dalek-language of the old Soviet Union and other extremist regimes. Thousands of Meetings, Conferences and Seminars, largely financed by the EU are stage managed every year on EMU or suchlike. The EU provide paid speakers who always push the EU line. Press releases report enthusiastic support for EU policies. Those invited are usually people of business, influence or power; who are carefully flattered and overwhelmed with EU propaganda and hospitality. Organisations, groups, media and businesses not spreading the “right” message about the EU tend to lose out on financial favours. Vast sums of money are available to politicians, secretaries, researchers, interpeters, reporters and indeed anybody connected with the European Political Empire. No wonder all major political parties, whatever they say, always end up toeing the EU line, signing each and every treaty; trading our future for their gravy train. The European Union needs to show it has enthusiastic support, in particular from corporate groups (the CBI), Industry (Unions) and politicians. It also needs to make us feel that the process of Europeanisation is one of historical momentum and the future (targeting young people in particular). Billions of our money squandered brainwashing us to love the EU. ——————————————————————————– THE EU GOLDEN BOOK CLUB Did you know? – The European Union Library is so little used by Europe’s politicians that each book used costs the European Taxpayer £46,500. These library books really are worth their weight in gold! THE UNELECTED Definition of the European Commission. “17 unelected, reject politicians, with no accountability to anybody, who are not responsible for raising taxes, just spending money, who are pandered to by a supine Parliament which is also not responsible for raising taxes!” Nicholas Ridley, Ex-Conservative Minister WHAT’S THE SET UP? – In the 1999 EU elections UK voters can only vote for one party (with some names on a list). Undemocratic but who cares! This vastly expensive European Parliament only has power to “advise and consult” the European Commission. (Commissioner Franz Fischler, asked how much notice the Commission would take of the European Parliament, said, “The answer is to be found in the Treaty”. ie – No notice at all!). The Council of Ministers also approves laws. Ministers from each member state meet regularly. A complaint of Ministers is that the main business of the meeting is hammering out a Public Communiqué to give to news reporters after the meeting. In this pretence of democracy everything else is given automatic approval! In 25 years the EU has issued 23,000 directives and regulations into UK law – a figure greater than the total number of Acts passed by Parliament in the whole of its history! There are around 650 new EU laws each year using Statutory Instruments to bypass our UK Parliament. The UK is being slowly ‘federalised’ into ‘Regions’ by the UK Government. Touted as being “closer to people than Westminster” they deny any link to the fact that such regions exactly match the EU Map of Regions, replacing Westminster with an even more remote Brussels Government! Divide and conquer always works! Bernard Connally, an EU Head Official, studied the effects of a single currency on the EU. At first a supporter, he was so shocked by his findings that he wrote a book (The Rotten Heart of Europe ISBN no. 0-571-17520-1)warning people against a single currency. From ‘respected economic authority’ he was promptly dubbed a ‘lunatic’ and sacked. (Huge EU salaries will only go to those who sing in tune with EU propaganda!) And what breed are these new rulers of Europe? – For the most part these plutocrats are wealthy landowners and businessmen. From the council of Ministers an Austrian is forced to resign for accepting bribery money from EU coffers! Meanwhile Italians, Berlusconi (imprisoned for 21/2 years), Craxi (waiting trial for corruption) and Andreotti (on trial for murder; also conned Mrs Thatcher into joining the ERM which lost the UK billions) show how easily susceptible the machinery of the EU is to control by the criminally corrupt. The shadowy Bilderburg Group (formed in 1954) is a secretive cabal of hundreds of the world’s leading politicians, businessmen, and media moguls. Leaked sources suggest it is the driving force behind the EU. Among UK politicians attending we see Tony Blair, Ken Clarke (no surprise here) and William Hague (surprised?) We citizens of Europe are told what to believe, what to eat, what tax to pay, what is safe, and even what measurements to use. We can’t vote them out. While politicians talk only about “A Democratic Deficit” – we know the real Truth about Europe is: IT’S A DEMOCRATIC DISASTER ——————————————————————————– IN JUST ONE DAY ………….. 26th September 1997. EMU, the single currency, was a news item on the BBC. Over 24 hours it had 16 interviewees – only four against. The 6.00 News had four pro-EMU speakers – none against. It summed up claiming “business was in favour”. Similarly for Radio 5’s Newsnight, The Financial World Tonight and Radio 4’s The World Tonight. The Today Programme had 55 seconds for anti-EMU Peter Shore (politician) to discuss only the effects of EMU on the Labour Party, but Irish born CBI chairman Chris Haskins (business) was given 3 minutes 45 seconds to “explain the benefits” of EMU. And you thought the BBC was legally obliged to give political balance! NOT ME- THERE IS TOO MUCH PROOF OF WHAT THE BBC HAS BECOME- PART OF THE FIFTH COLUMN!! THE LIE: “BRITAIN’S TRADE NEEDS EU MEMBERSHIP” THE FACTS: Britain has trade surpluses with every continent – EXCEPT THE EUROPEAN UNION. The EU deficit wipes out all other surpluses. The EU would do Britain a favour by restricting trade should Britain withdraw from EU membership. When Britain joined the “Common Market” in 1973 we did have a small trading surplus with the countries which now make up the EU. Since then EU Rules, Directives and unfair trading practises have – Wiped out most of the British Fishing Industry. Quota systems are set which fishermen cannot live on. EU Grants are given to fishermen to destroy their boats. Foreign fishing fleets take the vast majority of British fish, often with the aid of EU grants. Billions of fish, as many as are landed, are thrown back into the sea dead polluting the waters. All in the name of “conservation” !!! Forced us to import food which we could easily produce ourselves under EU “Quota Systems”. Illegally subsidised imported fuel from other EU countries decimated our Coal Mining Industry (admittedly with an all too willing Conservative Government letting it happen). Similarly with the British steel industry in the 1980’s, ‘buying off’ steelworkers’ jobs with a series of EU redundancy grants and similar ’sweeteners’. Attacked the Beef Industry with panic legislation. Also very probably they have suppressed the facts about what may be the true cause of BSE (i.e. Organo-phosphates – used by farmers under Government rules at a concentration four times higher than anywhere else in Europe!) probably because of compensation costs. In the name of EU ‘environmental protection’ laws our countryside has become polluted by industrial waste, car batteries and waste of all kinds simply because people and businesses cannot find their way through the maze of rules and regulations or refuse to pay the crazy administration costs of these new laws. Small firms fail purely because of EU Rules and Directives (aided and abetted by a huge overstaffed and over-zealous army of British Bureaucrats; their jobs no doubt created by Government more to hide unemployment figures than to do useful work). This ‘Army’ promotes fear, havoc and crippling compliance costs. (British abbatoirs couldn’t cope with culling the cattle from the beef crises because most the industry’s small businesses were forced to close because of EU rules.) Some Trade Facts: a. Trade Balance Deficit with EU 1988 – 1996 £133 Billion. Rest of the world trade in surplus. b. Britain does 4 – 5 times as much trade in dollars as in DM/French francs combined. c. In 1997 Britain attracted 4 times as many inward investment projects as our nearest EU rival (Germany). d. Britain is the worlds largest investor in the world’s largest economy (USA). e. The Commonwealth invests twice as much in Britain as EU countries. The EU is forcing VAT on Britain’s International Auctioneer’s trade where London is the World leader. Other EU countries have no trading interest. Result? Another industry lost to Britain. With the costs of decimalisation, metrication, Europeanisation, fraud, scams, propaganda, gravy trains, EMU conversion, EU budget contributions, etc. etc. we now also know – THE TRUTH: ——————————————————————————– SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH So as we struggle to find a way out of this corrupt, inefficient and autocratic European Superstate we may do worse than look for answers amongst the literary works of Douglas Adams (Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy). As echoes of “So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish” ring in our ears we search for a meaning behind all this – and find, in the absence of any other sane or sensible reason for Britain’s membership of the EU, the answer – as in the book – must indeed be 42… WESTMINSTER TRAITORS- SHOULD BE HUNG!!’s Weblog
The TRUTH About Europe’s….Fourth Reich
November 4, 2009 · 1 Comment
Meat – New EU rules (viciously enforced by UK officials) forced half of all abattoirs to close. Large abattoirs were given EU grants in the 1980’s but small abattoirs received no help to comply with the new laws. One in five abattoir owners now face prosecution for breaking one or more of thousands of new criminal offences.
The facts speak for themselves:
But whose idea was the EU?
Hitler’s 1942 “Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft” translates to “European Economic Community”, a fact to send a chill warning down our “harmonised” European spines. It gave plans for One European state with One currency and One central bank. (Their other slogan was “Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!” – “One People, One Empire, One Leader!”) 1940s German Foreign Minister Carl Clodius said there would be a currency and customs union across Europe. Hitler’s plans included state subsidies to landowners and protectionism for European Corporate Industry. Not surprisingly Corporate Industry (including Britain’s!) supported Hitler’s plans.
Working documents circulate in the EU on the centralised collection of taxation (VAT) and proposals to make uniform tax laws, pensions and financial services.
A European Super State Going Round In Circles
Pat Buchanan. (American Presidential Candidate 1996)
The following facts (not in order but frightening in places) shows £200 million is unbelievably low.
The European Commission is a permanent unelected body of 17 people appointed by national Governments for 5 years or more. Responsible for most EU law, which passes directly into UK law, the Commission is aided by an army unelected officials (a sort of ‘Uncivil Service’). The UK Parliament is helpless to amend or reject any of it. Such law is secretly made behind closed doors. The Commission President has a virtual veto over who becomes a Commissioner and provides “political guidance” to all Commissioners.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
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Britannia Radio