Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.
EU Commissioners have stayed in office illegally
The European Commissioners who make our law should have stood down at the end of October, says Christopher Booker.
14 Nov 2009
The staggering cost of crazed quangocrats
It would be much easier to admit that the belief in manmade global warming arose through a very unfortunate scientific blunder, says Christopher Booker.
14 Nov 2009
Why we will lose in Afghanistan
What we are hardly ever told about the country is that it has been for 300 years the scene of a bitter civil war, says Christopher Booker.
14 Nov 2009
The ministry of silly ministry names
After Lisbon, ministers will have little left to do but tinker with the titles of their departments, says Christopher Booker.
07 Nov 2009
Kilimanjaro's snows have been vanishing for a very long time
The latest warmist warning sign - the retreating snows of Kilimanjaro - has been well documented for over 100 years, saysChristopher Booker.
07 Nov 2009
The end of the great deception
The EU has achieved the goal it has worked stealthily towards for so long - a supra-national government which is now beyond our recall, writesChristopher Booker.
07 Nov 2009
Gavin Schmidt: a correction
Dr Schmidt wants it known he has no connection with the GISS temperature record, writes Christopher Booker.
31 Oct 2009
The man who let us read the EU constitution
Brigadier Anthony Cowgill, who died last week, put together an intelligible text of the Lisbon Treaty when no one else would, says Christopher Booker.
31 Oct 2009
Ukip faces bankruptcy after Electoral Commission appeal
There is a startling contrast between the treatment of Ukip and the Lib Dems in cases involving party donations, says Christopher Booker.
24 Oct 2009
My passage to India must remain a secret
A vow of silence is the price of a journalist's visa for India, saysChristopher Booker.
24 Oct 2009
Maldives' underwater cabinet meeting was a sorry stunt
A world expert on sea-levels wants to tell the people of the Maldives they are not in danger of being inundated, says Christopher Booker.
24 Oct 2009
Meanwhile, back in cold reality...
For the third year running there are signs of an abnormally hard winter in many parts of the world, saysChristopher Booker.
17 Oct 2009
Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.
EU Commissioners have stayed in office illegally
The European Commissioners who make our law should have stood down at the end of October, says Christopher Booker.
14 Nov 2009
The staggering cost of crazed quangocrats
It would be much easier to admit that the belief in manmade global warming arose through a very unfortunate scientific blunder, says Christopher Booker.
14 Nov 2009
Why we will lose in Afghanistan
What we are hardly ever told about the country is that it has been for 300 years the scene of a bitter civil war, says Christopher Booker.
14 Nov 2009
The ministry of silly ministry names
After Lisbon, ministers will have little left to do but tinker with the titles of their departments, says Christopher Booker.
07 Nov 2009
Kilimanjaro's snows have been vanishing for a very long time
The latest warmist warning sign - the retreating snows of Kilimanjaro - has been well documented for over 100 years, saysChristopher Booker.
07 Nov 2009
The end of the great deception
The EU has achieved the goal it has worked stealthily towards for so long - a supra-national government which is now beyond our recall, writesChristopher Booker.
07 Nov 2009
Gavin Schmidt: a correction
Dr Schmidt wants it known he has no connection with the GISS temperature record, writes Christopher Booker.
31 Oct 2009
The man who let us read the EU constitution
Brigadier Anthony Cowgill, who died last week, put together an intelligible text of the Lisbon Treaty when no one else would, says Christopher Booker.
31 Oct 2009
Ukip faces bankruptcy after Electoral Commission appeal
There is a startling contrast between the treatment of Ukip and the Lib Dems in cases involving party donations, says Christopher Booker.
24 Oct 2009
My passage to India must remain a secret
A vow of silence is the price of a journalist's visa for India, saysChristopher Booker.
24 Oct 2009
Maldives' underwater cabinet meeting was a sorry stunt
A world expert on sea-levels wants to tell the people of the Maldives they are not in danger of being inundated, says Christopher Booker.
24 Oct 2009
Meanwhile, back in cold reality...
For the third year running there are signs of an abnormally hard winter in many parts of the world, saysChristopher Booker.
17 Oct 2009
Why we will lose in Afghanistan
November 14 2009 | By Christopher Booker | Comment
What we are hardly ever told about the country is that it has been for 300 years the scene of a bitter civil war, says Christopher Booker
EU Commissioners have stayed in office illegally
November 14 2009 | By Christopher Booker | Comment
The European Commissioners who make our law should have stood down at the end of October, says Christopher Booker
100 books that defined the noughties
November 13 2009 | by Brian MacArthur | Culture
Zadie, Nigella, Steig and, of course, the boy wizard. The decade has seen publishing phenomenons like no other, but which books, for better or worse, have summed up the noughties?