• CRU’s Phil Jones: “Maybe because I’m in my 50s, but the language used in the forecasts seems a bit over the top re the cold.” IMF Warns of Revolution if Another Round of Bailouts are Handed Out Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Calls For Investigation Of UN IPCC • "Climategate": Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists Alex Jones: Americans have a gun to their heads
Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over
Top climate alarmists have conceded that the climategate scandal represents a huge blow to the global warming movement and that the debate is not over, and yet establishment media organs are still invoking South Park's Officer Barbrady in downplaying the story despite the fact that it clearly illustrates how evidence which directly disproves global warming is being censored by agenda-driven scientists.
• Climategate: Monbiot makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire
• We Are Change Colorado @ Al Gore Book Signing – Activist Rips Up Al’s Book in Front of His Face
• All Your Emails Are Belong To Us
• Lord Monckton: Prosecute the Climate Change Criminals
• Alex Jones Tv:How to Expose The Climate Fraud!!
• Climategate: Scientists Would Rather Change Facts Than Their Theories
Many officials and experts have warned of violence stemming from the economic crash.
• Audit the Fed Attached as an Amendment
• Here Is Why The Dollar Is Now Effectively Worthless
In response to the astounding revelations arising out of the hacked CRU emails, Senator Jim Inhofe has stated that unless something is done within the next seven days, he will lead the call for a rigorous investigation into mounting evidence that top climate scientists conspired to manipulate data to hide evidence of global cooling while engaging in academic witch hunts to eliminate scientists skeptical of man-made climate change.
• Climate Change Bombshell: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails
• CRU Emails “may” be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real story
• Bishop Hill’s compendium of CRU email issues
• Spencer on elitism in the IPCC climate machine
• Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science
• Mike’s Nature Trick
• NYT Tackles Damning Global Warming Emails, But Reveals Own Hypocrisy
• Climate change has nothing to do with the Holocaust or 9/11
The fall of the Republic, Obama’s unkept promises and lies, the economic crisis as part of a bigger new world order strategy, the swine flu hoax, the fraud behind the fed – Alex Jones talks about all this in an exclusive interview with RT’s Anastasia Churkina.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
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Britannia Radio