Thursday, 12 November 2009

Congress, Catholics and Canadians
According to Accuracy in Media, Catholic lobbyists were wheeling and dealing with the devil handing the pro-abortion Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi a sign-off on the bill some credit with getting it passed. So what we have here essentially is the Catholic Mafia cutting a deal to foist one of the most dangerous socialist schemes on Americans. This coming from a group purporting to be “pro-life,” making all kinds of noise about abortion provisions in the healthcare bill while consistently........
by Mary Starrett

Republican Establishment: Will There Be Accountability?
It seems to be obvious to all who were watching (supposedly the President was not, if you believe anything the White House says) that the huge reversal of Democrat and Republican margins from 2008 to 2009 in Virginia and New Jersey were an amazing reversal. Virginia in 2008 went 53 percent for Obama, but a year later only 41 percent went for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds. In New Jersey, Obama's 57 percent became Democrat Governor Jon Corzine's 45 percent........
by Larry Pratt

Nowhere to Hide
All of our safe zones have been breached. Bounded by two oceans, who would have ever imagined that our enemies could reach us in America? But “Major Muslim” once again exposes to us our vulnerability. America is no longer safe….not in our homes, not in our schools, not in our malls, not in our churches, and not on our military bases. Terror in the womb, produces terror in the world......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Muslims in 21st Century America: Racial-Religious Chasm
Both remain as compatible as a cat and a dog, as a razor blade and a jugular vein, as a pedophile and a kindergartener. Modern day ‘multiculturalists’ espouse that members of these two religions can live together in perfect harmony. For non-examples: Israel, Iran, and Palestine! Such intellectuals forget that Islam vows to, “…convert or kill all non-believers.”.....
by Frosty Wooldridge