DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
November 2, 2009, 4:13 PM (GMT+02:00)

Hamid Karzi wins second term by default
The Independent Election Commission in Kabul declared Hamid Karzai president and cancelled the second round of elections Monday, Nov. 2, the day after his only challenger Abdullah Abdullah bowed out. It acted as UN secretary Ban Ki-moon landed in Kabul for a surprise visit and met both candidates.
US objectives in Afghanistan have come out of these chain of events badly battered, while the Taliban has been offered a political victory on a silver platter.
Yaacov Taitel, father of 4, arrested for suspected terrorist attacks on Arabs and Jews
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 1, 2009, 7:04 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfilereports that at the end of a 12-year search, the police and Shin Bet finally caught up with the Yaacov Taitel, 37, from Shevut Rachel, whom they suspect of a long series of terrorist crimes. They arrested him in the Har Nof district of Jerusalem Oct. 9. Two of those crimes are the murders of an Arab taxi driver in June 1997 and an Arab shepherd in August of that year.