Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Edward Spalton, whose ability to spot seminal points and the tenacity to dig them out and precis them is well-known to many here, gives a brief summary of the essential illegality of the whole EU.
Read and contemplate what action is possible!
Subject: Re: EU citizenship 23.11.09
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:19:56 +0000
I have since revisited several of the early sections of Professor
Schachtschneider's talk (to an Austrian audience).
To summarise his opinion rather sketchily and crudely
"All authority emanates from the people" (German constitution, supported by UN Charter)
A nation (people/Volk) can only dissolve itself into a new nation with other peoples by an informed democratic decision of each people to do so.
This has not happened.
THEREFORE the European parliament is not a parliament in the sense of the word because there is no single, legal European people AND the EU institutions have no lawful claim to the obedience or allegiance of the citizens of the individual countries of Europe.
ALSO the European Court of Justice is not a properly constituted court because its judges are appointed by the executive arms (governments) of the EU states which are driving the process of integration without a democratic mandate to do so. The judges depend on the goodwill of their home governments to be reappointed and are therefore not judicially independent.
They are neither elected (as are some American judges), appointed for life or until retirement nor appointed by the judges of their home countries.
The EU's insistence on using the Single Market as an all -embracing concept to destroy any obstacles in its path is, in fact a supra-legal concept, placing the EU outside the rule of law as previously understood, leaving the citizen at the mercy of market forces controlled by large companies.
Comments from our connection in Brussels xxxxxxxxxp
The analysis is correct in one sense because governments have not fulfilled their obligations of the treaties (starting with Paris, 1951 Rome, 1957).
Parliament should be elected on a Europe wide basis, not 27 national elections.
Consultative Committees should also be elected on a European basis for organized civil society.
Court should have a number of judges different from that of Member States.
Commission should not be repesentatives of States but a small number of impartial, experienced people, chosen both by people and by the governments.
The present trend is to a party political oligarchy which ignores popular support.
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Britannia Radio