Friday, 6 November 2009

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams "Patsy"
The Empire strikes back - right when when public support for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan sinks to all time lows, an anti-war Islamic extremist with links to suicide bombers goes on a shooting rampage at a U.S. army base, reinvigorating support for the war on terror and demonizing opposition to it as anti-American extremism. The scam would be believable if it wasn't so perfectly staged.

As of yesterday, The Feds Changed the Rules
Something profound just happened to the way the Federal Reserve (Treasury et al) and the Bank of England are going to distribute national debt. What better place to but debt but a bullied domestic bank. Eventually the Federal Reserve/Treasury/Executive bank will force all domestic savings into zero return Treasury instruments. This is the only place where debt can be placed at this time.

 Reed Apologizes for Glass Steagall Repeal, Building Citigroup

Remarks by Czech President Václav Klaus on Cap-and-Trade
Yesterday the Washington Times hosted a briefing, “Advancing the Global Debate over Climate Change Policy,” at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. The event featured four panels, one each for lobbyists, members of think tanks, Members of Congress, and foreign policy experts.