Friday, 13 November 2009
Jeremy Warner here is in no doubt that Mervyn King’s utterances on Wednesday were not to be taken literally . He clearly has - belatedly perhaps - come to the realisation that it’s all likely to come unstuck and that 2010 will be a year, not of recovery in the wider sense, but of the moment of decision. Are we to pursue the prmrose path to perdition or summon some courage to face the challenge with much pain involved?
Scaatchi boss Roberts clearly thinks the public will not face the challenge and that the politicians may not even lead them to fight. Oh dear!
TELEGRAPH 12.11.09
1. City Diary - Jonathan Russell
Scaatchi advertising for global social meltdown
Welcome to the world of Scaatchi & Scaatchi, the advertising agency that brought us the image of thousands of shiny, happy youngsters singing Hey Jude in Trafalgar Square in tribute to T-Mobile. Uplifting stuff.
Not quite so up-beat is an interview Scaatchi boss Kevin Roberts has done for Arabian Business magazine.
“It will be a tough year next year because the stimulus packages are not stimulating. They’re not working”, Roberts says, warming to his task.
“The social costs will go right through the roof, 70 million unemployed means more violence, more drugs, more alcohol, more crime. Think Chicago, London, Mumbai. 20 pc of 16 year olds don’t find a job so they don’t spend. They get pissed off. People will lose hope and turn to violence and drugs against weaker people, their wives and children.
“This is not a recession. This is a reframing of the world. Consumers are never going to go back to spending more than they earn.
“This was fundamentally a problem of consumers saving nothing and spending what they didn’t earn. Recession is over but the only people that can borrow money are people that have money and they are the people that don’t need it. “
Crikey. I have to assume that he means all this but I do hope not.
2. Inflation Report: Forget the fan charts, what we need is a clear economic policy
More wishful thinking, or could the Bank of England actually be right this time? The main point to be taken from Wednesday's quarterly Inflation Report is that the Bank seems to be more optimistic about the trajectory of the economic recovery than it was in the summer, when it last issued detailed projections for growth and inflation.
By Jeremy Warner, Assistant Editor
The Bank of England's latest central forecast is for a sharp rebound in growth to an annualised rate of around 4pc in the early part of 2011. Thereafter it tails off a bit, but remains at an above trend 3pc. If this is correct, then output ought to be back to where it was just before the crisis by something like the middle of 2011. Again this is more optimistic than most outside forecasts suggest.
Is the Bank of England again deluding itself, or might there be some validity in the argument? Hardly anyone managed to predict the seriousness of the present storm, but the integrity of the Bank of England's economic modelling has been more badly damaged by it than most.
The Bank failed to forecast a recession even after it became obvious that the economy was already contracting. You cannot be more wrong than that. What's more, the neat little fan chart forecasts for growth and inflation routinely reproduced in the Bank's quarterly inflation reports seem invariably to be at odds with what the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, actually says when announcing them.
Wednesday was no exception. Some indicators pointed to a more buoyant picture, he conceded, before going on to insist that such is the scale of the contraction over the past 18 months that small movements in quarterly growth rates become almost irrelevant.
Everyone accepts there will have to be a major fiscal consolidation, and even if there is a significant recovery, output is unlikely, at least for a considerable period, to return to a level consistent with a continuation in pre-crisis trend.
Never mind the trampoline like bounce in the economy forecast by the fan charts, after hearing that lot you'd want to slit your throat. "We have only just started along the road to recovery", he concluded, "and the adjustment to balance sheets still has much further to run".
Even when the Bank's central projection does turn out to be broadly correct, it is generally for a completely different set of reasons than the ones given. The fact that it is so frequently wrong may tell you more about the futility of forecasting than anything else, but it also points to misconceptions about the purpose of these projections.
These are not predictions as such, but mere extrapolations. The Bank sets policy in a manner considered consistent with achieving an inflation target some two years in the future. Almost by definition, then, forecast growth and inflation have to be roughly in line with target in two years time. If they were not, if for instance they showed growth still flat and inflation at zero, then it would point to deliberate failures in policy.
Yet, as it happens, the Bank's central projections are not as inconsistent with Mr King's words as they might seem. It is perfectly possible to have a strong "V"-shaped recovery but for output still to be well below potential, and it is perfectly possible to have both growth and a vicious, coincidental fiscal and household balance sheet consolidation. Indeed, if Britain is ever to emerge from under its debt mountain, there has to be.
Given the uncertainties, I'm not sure the latest Inflation Report tells us an awful lot about the future of monetary and fiscal policy. Some in the City took the below target forecast of inflation in two years time to mean that interest rates could stay low for longer. Others put more weight on the stronger growth forecast and predicted both that there would be no more quantitative easing once the present £200bn programme ran out and that interest rates would be rising again by the middle of next year.
The implications for fiscal policy are harder still to read. The fan charts are predicated on plans for fiscal consolidation announced in the last Budget, but they also take account of the fact that both markets and consumers expect a more significant squeeze to be imposed after the next election than so far announced.
Maybe the Governor has taken some form of self-denying ordinance, or perhaps it was just the heavy cold he was suffering from, but he seemed determined to avoid all political controversy on Wednesday and refused to be drawn on the fiscal position.
Everyone knew that national debt would have to be reduced down to pre-crisis levels, he said. There was no reason to believe this commitment wouldn't be delivered. Yet, it was up to the Government to decide on the strategy for doing it. All very diplomatic, as you would expect from a central banker in the run up to an election.
After some politically incendiary remarks and speeches in the past, Mr King is conforming to type. Yet, given the extreme nature of the crisis, you also want to know he's on the case, and that there is some joined up thinking going on between the demands of fiscal and monetary policy.
The authorities seem to be holding things together better than you might expect as far as the markets are concerned. Despite the burgeoning size of the national debt, and the certain knowledge that Quantitative Easing will eventually come to an end, there is little sign of an economically debilitating rise in long term interest rates [Apart from the little warning from Fitch earlier this week about losing the country’s AAA rating - that’s all! -cs] . Gilt yields remain remarkably benign.
As Mr King says, this is because the markets assume that who ever is in government after the next election will do its duty and come up with a credible plan of action for addressing the national debt. Yet, though the markets may be prepared to give policy makers the benefit of the doubt, I'm not at all sure about the public. We need to know more about the trade off between fiscal and monetary policy.
What's the best way out of this mess? Is it to tighten fiscally in the hope that this will allow greater leeway for QE and interest rates to do the work in restoring growth and jobs? Or might we be better off with the higher inflation and interest rates implied by loose fiscal policies.
If you are in the jobs market right now, there's little if any sign of recovery. Companies aren't hiring, and the dole queues are soon to be swollen by the massed ranks of a downsizing public sector.
Britain has had a smaller fiscal stimulus than other advanced economies, which is one of the reasons we are coming out of the recession later. Others which have not had the same degree of QE seem to be emerging faster. While Germany is contemplating massive tax cuts to sustain growth, Britain is about to embark on a fiscally futile programme of tax rises.
Where does the Governor stand on all this? You can understand why Mr King has become careful of what he says. Whenever he opens his mouth, his remarks are seized on for political advantage.
Yet, these are times that demand a strong, independent voice in the debate. Policymakers may or may not have succeeded in averting a depression, but beyond those fairly meaningless fan charts, they've yet to articulate a convincing path back to growth.
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Britannia Radio