[Freeman Center research associates have discovered why Barak's ideas smell like f*rts. He is an assh**e.

See article below of a more serious articles on his nature:
Now I must talk about Ehud Barak, Israel's new Prime Minister. I have watched him run from political personality to personality. I have watched his dance, his sleight of hand. I was, perhaps, too slow to react. What I tell you now is unfortunately the sad truth.
Barak is convinced that his own brilliance is enough to square the circle, to make Israeli Arab peace work..This is a hoax, a delusion. There is no deal that will please Arafat and preserve the security interests of Israel. No phony peace with Syria is worth abandoning the Golan. Friends, we had seen all this before since Oslo in 1993.
Nothing has changed. The evidence of Arab hostility is documented in 30,000 pages of Maccabean AND freemanlist analysis.
What we have now is a shell game. You know how the little pea is shuffled from shell to shell and the player must pick the one it is under. Only the con man has removed the pea from the game table in a sleight of hand. There is NO way to win.
I fear that Barak is THAT con man and with a quick sleight of hand the Golan and Yesha will disappear. A fait accompli.
So it is time to fight like you never fought before TO SAVE ISRAEL. This is definitely the END GAME of Oslo and as in chess the game is won or lost in the end game......Bernard J. Shapiro, editor.
By Bernard J. Shapiro
(September 2000)
The great under-reported story in the Jewish and national media including the Jewish Herald-Voice (Houston) is the continued deterioration of Israel Prime Minister's Ehud Barak's mental state.
In the past months Barak has done the following:
1. Began the process of ethnic cleansing (a war crime under the Geneva Conventions) for Jews from 96% of Judea and Samaria and Gaza.
2. He has offered to give up sovereignty on the Temple Mount and half of Jerusalem to terrorist anti-Semites. Arafat demands also the Old City plus the Western Wall and Barak will give him what he wants as the record proves.
3. Just this week, Barak agreed to give Arafat control of $3 Billion of oil and gas off the coast of Gaza
4. He has agreed to give up the Golan Heights with it strategic mountains and 35% of Israel's water supply, already at drought conditions.
5. He has agreed give Arafat control of the strategic Jordan Valley and the Judean-Samarian mountain ridge that protects Israel from invasion from the east (Syria, Iraq, Iran).
6. He has agreed to turn over the following Jewish Holy places to Arafat's gang of Jew murderers: Tomb of Rachel, Tomb of Jacob, Cave of the Macpala (Tomb of the Patriarchs).
7. Barak has cease governing the country, does not consult with anyone that does not agree with him.
There is an obvious psychiatric diagnosis for such behavior: the grandiose phase of mania. People in such mental state take wild gambles with money and behavior. They believe themselves above the law, super intelligent and capable of doing anything. Eventually they crash and burn having lost their fortunes and their health.
Barak: We mustn't miss opportunity for peace ("We can make elephants fly." Of course, beware of the falling sh*t.
Nov. 9, 2009
Jpost.com staff and tovah lazaroff , THE JERUSALEM POST

Defense Minister Ehud Barak in a recent meeting with US envoy George Mitchell in Jerusalem.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak said during a visit to the US along with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday that the issues facing Israel and the Palestinians are "a test to the leaders of the Palestinian Authority and to all leaders of the region."
"Israel is doing everything in its power to resume peace talks. Israel must make the utmost effort to reach peace with its neighbors," said Barak, adding that it is essential that the US and its president, Barack Obama, commit to the peace process.
"The US is the world's leading superpower and Obama's presidency offers a rare opportunity to achieve peace. All other alternatives would be worse," the defense minister said.
Barak was speaking after PA President Mahmoud Abbas announced he would not run in the upcoming Palestinian elections.During a meeting with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates later Monday, Barak said "the strategic understanding with the United States and the cooperation on intelligence matters are cornerstones of Israel's security."Barak updated Gates on the recent capture armaments on board the Francop cargo ship and on the necessity to tighten cooperation on the issue of weapons smuggling following reports that Hamas in the Gaza Strip recently tested rockets capable of reaching Tel Aviv. They also spoke of international efforts to curb Iran's nuclear and military buildup.The defense minister then thanked Gates for the US aid and cooperation in the advancement of a multi-layered missile defense system to protect Israel from long range missile attacks.
Barak was also expected to meet with Dennis Ross (Baker's pro-Arab Jew-boy) and with the American Middle East envoy George Mitchell.
Later in the day, Defense Minister Ehud Barak planned to address the GA. He is in Washington meeting with senior government and defense officials at a time when intense US efforts to revive the stalled peace process have come to naught.
In advance of that speech he issued statements to the media, in which he lauded US regional efforts by stating that America had a critical role to play in advancing the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians."It's essential to mobilize US President Barack Obama and the United States toward this effort to open up a dialogue with the Palestinians," said Barak.
The White House did not respond to a request for comment on Barak's White House meetings.
Hilary Leila Krieger and E.B. Solomont, Jpost correspondents in Washington, contributed to this report.