Thursday, 5 November 2009

Gore Not Interested In Solutions To Climate Change That Don't Line His Pockets
Al Gore has been on the defensive over his financial motives for pushing for a cap and trade system to reduce CO2 emissions, arguing that he is merely putting his money where his mouth is, however, a startling revelation in a recent Newsweek article proves that Gore is only interested in solutions to environmental problems that line his pockets


Global treaty could throw file-sharers off Internet after ‘three strikes’
Leaked details of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement being negotiated in secret by most of the world’s largest economies suggest Internet file-sharers could be blocked from accessing the Internet if they are repeatedly accused of sharing copyrighted material, say media and digital-rights watchdogs.

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council
Exactly when did doctors give up their efforts to save Kennedy’s life? And when did Lyndon Johnson learn that JFK was dead? These are the central questions that need to be addressed in understanding the transfer of power on November 22, 1963. The questions may be obvious; the answers are not. 

Four Reasons Hyperinflation Hasn’t Hit the US… Yet
Everything we know about classic economic theory suggests the US economy should be experiencing Zimbabwe-like hyperinflation right now, thanks to the nearly $2.2 trillion the US Federal Reserve has pumped into the system.

 Gold and Freedom 
Deficits Funded With Monetization And Hyperinflation 
Wall Street Journal Admits Economists Were Wrong, But Fails to Discuss their INCENTIVE for Being Wrong 

Rare global warming debate: Skeptic climatologist Dr. Tim Ball vs. alarmist science journalist David Appell
Despite Al Gore’s pronoucment that “the debate is over”, alarmist David Appell nevertheless faced off against skeptic climatologist Dr. Tim Ball on The Victoria Taft Show on Monday night on Portland, Oregon’s KPAM AM 860.