Internet message boards were inundated with message from angry Tory supporters. Writing on, “Rocky” wrote: “No referendum = Conservatives do not get my vote.” Scott said: “The EU has deliberately flouted the wishes of the British people by actively conniving to frustrate the commitment to a British referendum. “This in the full knowledge that there is every possibility that they would lose the plebiscite which would therefore invalidate the treaty. It is dishonest and therefore the treaty is invalid by default.” Jonathan Wilson compared the Lisbon Treaty to the Iron Curtain which the USSR put up over eastern Europe. He said: “Today that iron curtain has again descended across the Continent except that the line has moved westward and now the historic cities that lie behind it include London, Paris, Madrid, Rome and Athens, with an increasing measure of dictatorial control not from Moscow but from Brussels. “The struggle for freedom in these isles and in the USA will now be long, hard and bloody. We start by getting our own house in order.” On Conservativehome, “HF” wrote: “We need to let the voters have a say on Europe. I agree that Lisbon is not a suitable referendum but in/out and if in then what needs changing? Are the issues that need to be settled for 10/15 years. John Major did not have a referendum and we split.” “Bill” added: “Yes, instead of choosing our own destiny let's just go along for the EU ride until it breaks up within its own contradictions. Never mind the consequences.” John Adlington said: “The EU is profoundly anti-democratic. So for me there is only one way forward that preserves my ability to join with my fellow countrymen and change the people who govern us and that is to politely withdraw from the EU. “I have no desire to tell the Germans, Hungarians, Finns or Greeks how to live their lives and I resent the idea of people I have no say in choosing making my laws for me.” One poster to the site, Dave, compared David Cameron to the collaborationist French government during the Second World War, saying: “Staying signed up to Lisbon treaty means no UK government can stop further transfer of powers. DC is a Vichy Tory.” “Ste” added: “The EU is a Socialist DICTATORSHIP, anybody trying to talk up or defend a Dictatorship is a complete and utter indoctrinated moron, there are no plus points of being in a Dictatorship, there are no benefits of living in a Dictatorship. England OUT of the EU! whatever it takes!” On CentreRight, “BrugesGroup” called for the Bill Cash, the Euro-sceptic backbencher, to become Tory leader, saying: We have said it before and will say it again......David Cameron cannot be trusted. DAVID CAMERON OUT........BILL CASH IN”Grassroots Tories' fury at David Cameron over Lisbon referendum
Grass-roots Conservatives reacted with anger to the announcement that the party would not go ahead with a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
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Britannia Radio