The Great Marginalization The Economic Crisis And What Must Be Done What Is Totalitarianism? Dubai asks to delay paying creditors: The chairman of Dubai’s Supreme Fiscal Committee, stressed that the call to defer for at least six months at least some of $60 billion owed to creditors by Dubai World, the emirate’s chief investment arm, was “carefully planned” and aimed at taking decisive action. Dubai debt triggers investor panic: Asian and European banks distance themselves from Dubai World fearing debt default. UK: Recession 'is even worse than feared': Chancellor predicts steepest slump ever
Planning for Poverty?
By Carl Ginsburg
The word from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at last week’s community meeting in the Bronx was disappointing, to say the least. After promising “good jobs” during a recent campaign, how could a man with so many billions, and now fresh from a re-election victory, oppose a $10-an-hour wage? Continue
By Richard C. Cook
The United States does not control its own destiny. Rather it is controlled by an international financial elite, of which the American branch works out of big New York banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, Wall Street investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve System. They in turn control the White House, Congress, the military, the mass media, the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the universities, etc. Continue
By Michael Kleen
If the United States came under the control of a totalitarian regime, would we recognize it? This question is of utmost importance today, when many of us harbor fears that some time in the near future ideas such as freedom, liberty, and privacy will be alien to our society. Continue
Saturday, 28 November 2009
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Britannia Radio