Have a GREAT DAY tomorrow Harry. Happy Birthday,Whatcha trying to do eh? Catch me up?AnneJust a Little More Time. xxxxxx ap May 2006.
I am writing this down while I have the time,
A ‘space’ to use and all of it mine,
Words with a meaning for me to relate,
Just a little time-that’s all it will take.
There is so much in life that I wanted to do,
Go to University to be educated like you,
To travel the world to see all things fine,
If only I had had, a little more time.
I would have loved to have visited exotic places,
To drink in the beauty of wide-open spaces.
To see the wondrous, awesome sights,
For I would have had the time of my life.
To bump into the famous or ‘sup’ with the rich,
But life isn’t like that, for it can be a bitch,
It is up to each of us to decide what to do,
To make time for these things, it is up to you.
But how time can fly when we’re having fun?
All the hard work of the day now is done,
Friends to enjoy and the pleasure is mine,
For I have used very well that extra time.
I have time a plenty to now spend with you,
Go down to the pub and “have a few”.
Make time stand still-and the moment seize
Till the landlord calls out, “Time Gentleman please”.
I often wish I had taken the time to say
Just how much I missed you while you were away,
The ‘moment’s’ now gone for I left it too late
I wasted that time, it was a big mistake.
It is no use wishing you had visited or cared
For that close family whose lives you’ve shared,
Don’t leave it too late for this warning is mine,
For those that we love, can run out of time.
Time after time I wish I’d been told,
Not to ‘waste’ time for we quickly grow old.
All the time in the world I felt was mine
I’d have done it all, with just a little more time.
Or, how about THIS one?
GETTING THERE! 18th March 2007 during our visit to London when we went up and down so many steps I could not count them all. Was I ever Jiggered?
Nobody taught me about getting OLD
When I went to school t’was a lesson untold,
I was taught how to be kind, honest and true,
But how to cope with stiff hips and legs, lessons were few.
We were taught how to count pounds, shillings and pence,
Yet for practical use, it remained “future tense”,
If only we had wheels instead of feet
In old age, I’d have whizzed past, it would have been quite a treat,
To see an ‘old codger’ right up to date
Overtaking all new-comers at quite a fast rate.
But I now find steps steeper going up, than coming down,
And often more of them, which brings forth a frown,
I never thought for a moment I would struggle one day,
Be so slow to trundle and get in other folk’s way.
For they rush by as I once travelled so fast,
But it was life itself we are all in a hurry to pass,
If only we’d been taught how to get about, when old,
Yet sadly, it STILL remains a subject untold!
xxxxxxxxxxxx ap
Oh - what can I say?I'll see you on your birthday.You are doing very well for 72!Love EFrom Johnwhat time does matron go home- indeedthank you very much ....hThank you from your friendSkipper.appreciated mucho..hMazal tov! Hope you had a great year and you should be blessed with all good things this year. Until 120,All the best,tamarFrom Tamar....thank you indeedMany Happy Returns of Sunday Harry, you do stirling work.hugsJane...Happy Birthday, and many more!From CherHi Harold,
Wishing you a very happy 72nd birthday from all your relatives in Dublin who think of you often.
I am planning to get over to London in January if not before and PG we can meet up - I would really like that.
All our love on this special day.
Howard & Eleanor.Martin & Noelle & MarieAnd a Hippy, Happy, Birthday to you! Love Joy.happy birthday u old *******pbBest wishes happy birthdaydc & t and kidsA very happy birthday, Harold.You do good every day.Blessings!David and Catherinehttp://www.britsattheirbest.com/HAPPY BIRTHDAYPBBest wishes and many good years to come.DavidHi Harry,
Many, many happy returns in good health.
All our love and best wishes,
Toni & Bernard.
Hey Harry, l wish you a Happy birthday on you 72nd :)God Bless you HarryJ.C.Wellington, New Zealand
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Harold Hoffman's Birthday..Sunday....Age 72
Re: Britannia Radio:
Harold Hoffman's Birthday..Sunday....Age 72
Thanks Anne
u bett ya
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Britannia Radio