Here is your Crux PM update:
IMF: Dollar carry trade is risking global collapse
If interest rates rise, assets around the world could crash...
Gold could go higher than almost anyone imagines
Any number of scenarios could send gold to the moon...
Magazine special: The world's weirdest places to visit
"It's like Mars with people..."
Health care ALARM: You could face 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines if you don't comply
Bill that just passed the house will criminalize non-compliance with felony penalties... MUST-SEE video.
Iraq oil minister: We're going to pump 6 million barrels per day
Contracts being awarded to develop greatest resource prize on the planet.
Pelosi Bill: 45% tax rates coming
Dems work to secure absolutely incredible tax rates.
Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux
Monday, 9 November 2009
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Britannia Radio